Thanksgiving travels are a time of anticipation and joy. As Americans journey many miles to be with their loved ones, I wish you all safe travels.
The days before Thanksgiving are a time when millions of Americans travel to be with loved ones for this very important holiday.

I thought I might share some special Irish blessings, to speed you on your journeys.
As Thanksgiving travels get fully underway, these Irish words of wisdom may bring a smile to your face, and entertain you on your way.
I wish all my fellow countrymen, traveling far and near, safe and pleasant trips.

Table of Contents
Irish Blessings For Those Taking A Journey
I hope you enjoy this selection of Irish sayings and blessings especially for those taking a journey.
The Love and Affection of Angels
"The love and affection of the angels be to you,
The love and affection of the saints be to you,
The love and affection of heaven be to you,
To guard and to cherish you.
May God shield you on every step,
May He aid you on every path,
And may He hold you safe on every slope,
On every hill and on every plain;
On earth and on sea until you are home again."

The Strength of the Holy Trinity
I love this next saying. It echoes the deep faith Irish people have in the Holy Trinity, the concept of which was first taught to us by Saint Patrick through the emblem of the shamrock.
"May the strength of Three be in your journey!"

Protection of the Saints
Faith in a greater power is clearly evident in this next old blessing from Ireland.
"May the good saints protect you,
And bless you today.
And may troubles ignore you,
Each step of the way."

The Road Downhill To Your Door
This one is full of warmth and good wishes.
"May you have warm words on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
And the road downhill all the way to your door."

May The Sun Shine All Day Long
This one is another often used Irish blessing or greeting.
"May the sun shine, all day long,
Everything go right, and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
And may all the wishes you wish come true!"

Hindsight to Know Where You've Been
Wise old words about in the Irish oral tradition. Here's a quick look and hindsight and foresight.
"May you have the hindsight
to know where you've been,
The foresight to know where you're going,
And the insight to know
when you're going too far."

And so, whatever mode of transport you choose to travel by this Thanksgiving, I wish you and yours a safe and enjoyable journey.
May you feel the thankfulness of this season and find gratitude for all your blessings on this special day.
Thanks for following my recipes and ramblings.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
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Cheryl Barker
Thanks for sharing this Iristh blessing! I had never seen it before. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too!
Maureen O Hanlon
Thats lovely, thanks 🙂
Irish American Mom
Glad you enjoyed these sayings, Maureen. There are some lovely blessings from olden times in Ireland.
Best wishes,
Happy T?hanksgiving Mairead! There is so much to be thankful for! I love this post...the photo of the baby driving the goat and cart reminds me of a similar photo of my Dad when he was a baby..also driving a cart with a goat!
Irish American Mom
Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Maury. What a wonderful photo to have of your Dad - I'm sure you treasure it. Who needs a go-cart when you've got a goat cart.
All the best,