Here on my website, Irish American Mom, I love to publish comments from readers. Your heart warming stories, memories and feedback make my day, and bring a smile to my face.
Well usually, that's true. Unfortunately, not every comment makes me smile. As a result, I developed this policy to outline my guidelines for discussions on my website.
Let's Be Nice:
I will delete comments that contain cursing, offensive language, rude or pointed statements, and disrespectful or bullying language. I stick to the old saying:
"If you don't have something NICE to say, don't say anything at all"
In life I believe being courteous is extremely important. So here is my rule:
"If you wouldn't say it to someone's face,
then don't hide behind the anonymity of the internet,
by typing hurtful words on my website."
In this corner of the world wide web, remember:
This is not a democracy.
It's Mom's domain.
If you have a problem with that, feel free to establish your own domain, where you can set the rules.
My advice is that you simply think BEFORE you type. Rude, ugly, and negative comments are just impolite and will not be accepted.
Please know, I will not hesitate to delete your comment, if I believe it is disrespectful of other readers.
I'm big enough and bold enough to handle a little disagreement, but I will not subject my readers to insults from unidentified and sometimes hateful internet users.
Recipe Comments:
I understand that every recipe or opinion on this site may not be to your liking, but that doesn't mean others do not appreciate them.
I unreservedly promise that every single recipe or post I publish will NOT be to your liking. That would be an impossible feat.
If I publish a recipe that you think is awful, then please state so in a mannerly way. I can deal with adjectives such as "yucky" or "gross'", but if you feel you have to use more flourishing language to describe your distaste, then move on, and check out another post or recipe.
If you still feel inclined to let the world know of your gut wrenching dislike, just add a simple, polite comment stating that a particular recipe or post is not to your liking. Polite disagreement is acceptable, but courtesy must rule on these pages.
Many of my recipes are old traditional Irish favorites. Therefore most of my recipes are full fat, full sugar and full FLAVOR. No apologies for using a bit of full fat butter.
Be fair warned that I am not a nutrition expert. Your diet and your health are your responsibility, not mine.
Let's Not Stir Any Political Fires:
Also, please know that this is a site for FRIENDLY chats about all things Irish. It is NOT a political forum for airing long held grudges and sharing rhetoric that does little to promote peace and reconciliation on the island of Ireland.
Some of the topics I choose to discuss involve Irish history, and sad events in Ireland's past, such as the Great Irish Famine. I hope our discussions on these topics can be respectful and insightful.
Rant, Over And Out:
And so, there you have it! My little rant about internet politeness.
Now hopefully I have not scared everyone away. Please do join in our discussions. It's wonderful to hear from others who love Ireland like I do.
Thanks so much for stopping by and supporting our little Irish American community.
Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Irish American Mom
- Sip Into the Season: Spiced Cranberry Hot Toddy Recipe
- Introducing Your Irish American Heritage To Friends
- Sautéed to Perfection: Unlocking the Secrets of Flavorful Onions
- Homemade Plaid Shamrock Decoration for Saint Patrick's Day
- Wine Cork Shamrock Craft for Saint Patrick's Day
- DIY Shamrock Pop-up Card for Saint Patrick's Day Greetings
- Green Tartan Blanket Giveaway for Saint Patrick's Day
- Paper Strip Shamrock Mobile Craft with Printable Tutorial
- Oscar Wilde Quotes About Love and Marriage
- Deliciously Creamy Broccoli Cheddar Soup
- Easy Cauliflower Leek Irish Soup Recipe
- Guinness Floats - A Decadent Taste of Ireland