Irish celebrations are made extra special with this cute decorative banner created using the letters for the word BLESSED.
I hope you will feel blessed this Saint Patrick's Day and every day.

Table of Contents
Homemade Paper Bunting
This homemade DIY Irish paper bunting is a perfect way to add a little bit of green to your home, especially for Saint Patrick's Day.
The corners of this banner feature shamrocks on an adorable green teardrop background.
To make things festive for Saint Paddy's Day, we all need to add a dash of green to our lives, and this free printable is an inexpensive and easy way to do just that.
Saint Patrick's Day Is a Blessed Time
March 17th heralds the fast approach of spring in the United States. Days are warming and there are blessings in the air.
Here's a lovely quotation from Adrienne Cook:
Saint Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic.
Adrienne Cook
Irish Blessings for Saint Patrick's Day
Ireland is a country with a rich cultural heritage. Part of our oral heritage, handed down through the generations before us, is an amazing collection of blessings and wise old sayings.
On March 17th we all feel blessed as we celebrate our Irish heritage, and find joy and peace in the wisdom of our ancestors.
Here's one of my favorite sayings.
May your blessings outnumber
the shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
wherever you go.
Old Irish Saying
DIY Blessing Banner
Here's what you'll need to create your own Irish themed bunting.
- card stock paper
- printer
- scissors
- 2 to 3 yards of ribbon, thread or yarn (the length depends on where you plan to hang your banner)
- hole punch
Here you'll find a free PDF file, which you can print to help you create your own banner for Saint Patrick's Day.
You'll find the link through this button.
The file is also attached to all of the following letter images, so if you wish to access it as you scroll, simply click on an image.
Card stock paper works well for this printable banner. Regular paper is just fine too, just a little less durable. The hole punches for threading the ribbon are a little less rigid, and more likely to break when this banner is printed on regular paper.
Each page of the printable contains two graphic boxes.
The first page has boxes for a shamrock and the letter B.
The second page has an L and and E.
The two S's are printed together.
Next up is the E and the D.

And finally, the last page has another shamrock and an instruction box.
All you need do is print all the pages. Cut out the letter boxes (two per page).
Assemble Your Bunting
Punch a hole in the upper right and left corners of each letter and shamrock card.
Starting with a shamrock, weave a ribbon or a string through the holes. Start at the back on each card.
Yarn works great too.
Once you have threaded the cards, check you've spelled out B-L-E-S-S-E-D correctly.
Then simply find a place to hang your banner.

And if you're Irish, this banner works for many occasions throughout the year. No need to reserve it for Saint Patrick's Day only.
It's great for Irish moms on Mother's Day, or for birthday celebrations for any Irish folks you love.
I hope you like this free printable craft, and that you too will feel blessed this Saint Patrick's Day.
For each petal on the shamrock,
this brings a wish your way:
Good health, good luck, and happiness
for today and every day.
Old Irish Saying
Sending Irish blessings your way.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Oh my - how adorable. This is a lovely banner and could be used for many occasions for someone who is proud of their Irish heritage. Thank you so much.
Irish American Mom
Hi Mags - I'm delighted you like this banner. It's a lovely way to celebrate the blessings of being Irish.
All the best,
How pretty! Thank you! I love the vivid Springtime green that looks like new leaves. Good-bye, Winter! 🙂
Irish American Mom
Hi Lynn - I'm so glad you like this banner. It's a simple way to decorate for Saint Patrick's Day, or for any celebration for someone who is Irish and feeling blessed.
Thanks for checking out this post.
All the best,