Here's the meaning of this old Irish saying, together with some pronunciation tips ....
Old Irish Saying
Sin mo scéal díobh,
agus má tá bréag ann, fá é,
Mar ní mise a chum ná a cheap."
in English means ...
"That’s my story
and if there’s a lie there, so be it,
For it wasn't me that composed it.”
Here's a sound file so that you can listen to the saying expressed in Irish or Gaelic with a munster dialect.
Here is the phonetic pronunciation, phrase-by-phrase ....
Sin mo scéal díobh = shin moh sh-kale dee-uh-ve
agus má tá bréag ann, fá é = ah-gus maw thaw bray-ugh ow-in
Mar ní mise a chum ná a cheap - mar nee mish-eh ah come naw ah khap eh
The exact translation of the last line is ....
"Because it was not me who made it up or thought of it." For the sake of brevity, this is better translated as "For it wasn't me that composed it."
I hope this helps, as you read my post about the old Irish proverb ....
"Never let the truth get in the way of a good story,"
Thanks for checking out my Irish pronunciation tips.
Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
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Why Are Irish Americans So Captivated By Ireland
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Jay Monarch aka Bat Masterson
Glad to see your back. Allthough I seldom do your recepes. I love doing the next best thing , which is reading them. And reading everyone's adventures in IRE and elsewhere. I actually got excited when I saw you were back. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Irish American Mom
Hi Bat - Nice to know you missed my old ramblings. I don't always pay enough attention to this little blog of mine, especially having four kids needing to be brought here, there and every where. I miss my blog too when I'm not writing, and interacting with readers. It's always lovely to hear kind words like yours about my efforts. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Take care,