Reasons for loving Ireland abound, and as many tourists will attest it is difficult to determine what exactly is so attractive about the Emerald Isle.
In today's blog post I will attempt to narrow down these reasons to my top ten.
So what exactly is it about Ireland that you love?

Table of Contents
- Reasons To Love Ireland
- Why do so many people hold Ireland dear to their hearts?
- 1. Our Own Unique Music
- 2. Festivals
- 3. A Hundred Thousand Welcomes
- 4. Peace and Tranquility
- 5. History All Around
- 6. Folklore and Stories
- 7. The Coast And The Islands
- 8. The Scenery
- 9. Irish Food
- 10. Irish Pride
- Thanks For Your Input
Reasons To Love Ireland
I count among the millions of people worldwide, who simply love Ireland. My deep feelings of connection are understandable, since I was born in Dublin.
However, after living in America for over twenty years, I have come to realize, many who have never even set foot on Irish soil, feel the same affinity for our little island.

Many reasons explain why we love Ireland. I suppose every tourist holds in their heart a very personal and special reason why they make the journey across the miles to visit the Emerald Isle.
And I am quite certain some visitors leave Ireland perplexed, unable to figure out what all this Irish, nostalgic hoopla is all about.
And so, in today's post I thought I would explore the great big WHY.
Why do so many people hold Ireland dear to their hearts?
I have browsed through numerous posts on the internet where reasons to love Ireland are eloquently listed. I found some focused too much, on what I consider superficial reasons, such as the pubs and the Guinness.
Now don't get me wrong, Guinness is a fine Irish product and its invention is plenty reason to admire Ireland and the Irish, but in my book, Ireland's magic springs from a deeper, more spiritual place.
And so, without further ado, here are my top ten reasons, why I think tourists love Ireland.

1. Our Own Unique Music
I must confess Irish music makes my heart swell with joy. Every time I hear the rhythmic beat of a reel or a jig, I take a deep breath, my insides do a little somersault, and my foot inevitably begins to tap. I don't know if this is a reflexive expression of my Irish genes, or just sheer appreciation for the vitality of this passionate music form. I truly believe Irish music is a deeply resonant and beautiful expression of our unique culture.
For a country as small as Ireland, it's amazing how far and wide our music has reached. Irish dancing classes are taught as far afield as China, which for me is evidence of the uplifting qualities of our tunes.
Most tourists to Ireland take time to enjoy at least one traditional Irish music session at some point on their itinerary. The moment a listener makes the vital decision to join in, magic happens.
By clapping those hands and tapping those toes, visitors experience the rich and intricate combinations of notes and rhythms, at a spiritual level. Irish music can simply stir the soul.
2. Festivals
Ireland is a land of festivals especially during the summer months. With a little planning tourists are sure to find a festival of interest celebrating everything from the arts, architecture, fashion, film, food, literature, music, theatre, and much, much more.
I know you think I've lost my marbles by including festivals in this list. At first glance these festivals may appear to be tourist traps. But that is far from the case.
Festivals are part of who we are as a people, part of the tapestry of our wonderful, cultural history. Our Celtic forefathers celebrated the seasons with four distinct festivals - Imbolc, Bealtaine, Lughanasadh, and Samhain. Their social lives revolved around fairs and markets held during these carnivals.
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries fairs and marts were held at regular intervals throughout the year, and were highly anticipated by native Irish people. Dancing, drinking and revelry accompanied the more mundane tasks of paying the rent and selling farm animals and produce. Coming together to connect and to celebrate is part of who we are as a people.
Irish festivals are all about interaction, where the depth and uniqueness of individual Irish characters are waiting to be discovered. Irish people seldom strive for commonality, but revel in the diversity of their individuality.
At an Irish festival you meet a cohort of characters unmatched anywhere in the world. Festival goers possess a love of stories, talk and music, a deep-seated wildness, and above all else, an affinity for fun, or what we Irish call 'divilment'.

3. A Hundred Thousand Welcomes
"Céad míle fáilte" is one of the most loved Irish expressions worldwide, and it literally means a hundred thousand welcomes. Irish people are very proud of the welcome they extend to visitors. Now I hope I'm not painting a picture of smiling leprechauns greeting you with a canned "Top of the Morning" salutation at the airport.
No! Ireland's welcome is more subtle. It revolves around a chat, a friendly nod, a reserved inquisitiveness. A lady I met on a plane when I was returning to America once told me:
"Ireland feels like a dear old friend."
I love this description, and I truly hope visitors feel welcomed home by their dear friend, Ireland.
4. Peace and Tranquility
The moment I set foot on Irish soil, an overwhelming sense of calm and peace, overcomes me. I always think of Yeats' poem The Lake Isle of Inishfree.
"And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a-glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings."
Ireland offers true quietness for those who seek tranquility. I believe it is one of the best countries in the world to relax and unwind. Remote and romantic, Ireland offers a laid-back charm, with a unique sense of place.

The sound of silence in rural Ireland is unparalleled. For me, it is a hymn to the surrounding landscape and magnificent scenery.
Even when the rain falls in bucketfuls, as is so apt to happen, it simply takes an evening sitting by an open fire for real warmth and peace to transform the soul. The scent of a turf fire, appreciated from the comfort of a welcoming chair, is simply magic.
5. History All Around
In Ireland, the old and the new co-mingle with grace. Our ancient past is evident nearly everywhere through our history, music, art, and architecture.
In America 100 years is considered "old". But in Ireland one hundred year old buildings are considered modern additions. In every small town and village visitors encounter sites much older than historical landmarks found in America
To sum it up, Ireland is steeped in history, and that history is evident everywhere you go. Ireland's first known settlement began way back in 8,000 BC. Newgrange, is older than the pyramids. The land boasts ancient castles, dolmens, burial tombs, arched bridges, round towers, and monastic ruins, dotted here and there throughout the countryside.
Preservation of our history is no accident. Reverence for ancient sites is inherent in some Irish souls. Farmers plough in circles around ancient monuments, afraid to disturb the memory of long lost ancestors. Museums are frequented by both young and old, eager and willing to learn and preserve our country's fascinating past.
6. Folklore and Stories
Rest assured a story awaits you in Ireland. From tour guides to barmen, shop keepers to farmers, everyone treasures stories of our recent history and distant past. Ireland's charm is wrapped in myths and legends.
Our stories are filled with heroic warriors, deadly goddesses and trouble-making supernatural creatures. Folk tales from mainland Europe focus more on fairy godmothers, talking animals and, of course, wicked stepmothers.
A few colleens with a severe lack of maternal instinct also feature in Irish myths, but in contrast to the Hans Christian Anderson variety of fairy tale, the Irish ones are filled with romance and tragedy, ghosts and other worldly beings. To tell you the truth, some of these tales would frighten the life out of a child today. But these stories are part of who we are, and feature regularly on tourist trails.

Once when we visited Donegal, we took a boat cruise on Dunlewey Lake. The tour guide told stories of all the mythical creatures and ghosts surrounding the lake. My American children were enthralled.
No banal, politically correct tales to be heard in Ireland, but in their stead thrilling sagas of ancient warriors, saints, sinners, and lingering spirits.
Who cannot love this superstitious land?
7. The Coast And The Islands
Ireland may be a small country, but as an island, she boasts a great expanse of rugged beauty along her winding, and sometimes treacherous coastline. I grew up on the coast, with views of Dublin Bay at the end of our road. The sound of waves and howling winds are part of my childhood. Living in Kentucky, I miss the sea, wind swept gales, Atlantic sunsets, and the sheer beauty of Ireland's coastline.
From Howth to the Giant's Causeway, Malin Head to Mizen Head, the Cliffs of Moher and all the wonderful spots along the Wild Atlantic Way, I truly believe this island's magnificent coastline, is one of its finest attributes.
8. The Scenery
During the many years I have lived in America, I have often been asked:
"Is Ireland as beautiful as it seems in photos?"
And the answer to this question is a simple and resounding "yes".
To be honest, Ireland's scenery must be seen to be believed. It is even more beautiful than it appears in any photo or postcard. No image does Ireland justice. Even cloudy skies coordinate magnificently with mythical stones and ancient ruins.

When the sun doesn't cooperate, Ireland's beauty still shines. Around every twist and turn of Ireland's winding roads, awaits yet another new reason to smile.
9. Irish Food
In previous posts, I have waxed poetically about the glories of Irish food, and I still make no apologies for Irish food. Traditional Irish food is hearty and wholesome, comforting and filling.
Irish dishes provide healthy helpings of meat, oodles of veggies and, of course, the pride of every Irish mother's table, potatoes. After a spoonful of Irish stew, or a warming bowl of potato and leek soup, it will be easy to understand why I rate Irish food so highly
My advice for tourists is to dig into a plate of bacon and cabbage, savor our brown bread, and treat yourself to a full Irish breakfast. You'll leave Ireland understanding how simple, wholesome food feeds the soul.
10. Irish Pride
And last, but not least, comes Irish pride. We Irish live and breathe our heritage. From a very young age, we learn our history through myth and legend. For centuries we clung to our culture, even when our conquerors tried to strip us of our heritage. This Irish pride has been carried by generations to the four corners of the world.
But when you visit Ireland you will learn the subtle differences in our heritage and how our cultural inheritance changes from county to county.
A tourist's experience in the Burren in County Clare is vastly different from the memories created in County Donegal, but everywhere you go on this little island, you will be enthralled by the pride people feel in their local village, town, and county.
History and heritage survive, because Irish people choose not only to remember the past but to practice old traditions with pride.
Thanks For Your Input
And so I hope this little list, will help you understand why you may already love Ireland, or if you plan to visit the Emerald Isle in the near future, it will help you understand you too may be at risk of falling in love with Ireland. If you think of another reason to love Ireland, why not join in our discussion in the comment section below.
Here are some other ramblings you might enjoy if you're planning a trip to Ireland.
Turas Éireann - An Irish Tour Company That Goes The Extra Mile
How to Tour Ireland Your Own Way
Introducing Savor Ireland Tours
Thanks for following my recipes and ramblings.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Here are some other ramblings you might enjoy...
Bread, Muffins, Pancakes and Scones
Ireland - County By County
- County Sligo Land of Heart's Desire
- County Roscommon
- County Offaly - The Heart of Ireland
- County Monaghan - A Land of Lakes and Drumlins
Amy Mapes
I certainly agree with the inclusion of festivals on your list. There are well-known festivals but some of the smaller ones can lead to even more of the items on your list. While researching our family's 2013 trip to Ireland, I stumbled across the Connemara Bog Festival in Letterfrack. We were going to arrive on the last day and there was only a couple of events left but decided to make it our first activity. We met a group in the middle of town for a guided nature hike into Connemara National Park. What a wonderful group of local people! They answered questions like "What is that plant?" when we didn't know what gorse was. They were the first to extended the warm Irish welcome. When the chilly walk came to an end, several people told us about a pub with music and dancing that afternoon. We wandered down to the pub and were lucky to get a seat in the crowded little place. While we were waiting for our food, we saw some of our fellow trekkers, who not only let my kids sit with them for a few minutes of a better view of the dancing but also gave 3 starving kids some of their brown bread! What a great way it was to start a very memorable trip!!!
Irish American Mom
What a wonderful story, Amy. I'm so glad you agree with me about the significance of festivals as part of the warm welcome Ireland offers to tourists. In my younger days I frequented many festivals and hold such warm memories of times spent celebrating with my fellow Irishmen. I love how your fellow trekkers shared their brown bread with your hungry kids. There's nothing in the world like fresh Irish air and a trek through a bog to build up an appetite.
Best wishes,
What a lovely list of things people love about Ireland. There is something in the mixture of all these things that you can't quite put your finger on, but it's so appealing. Something so nostalgic about the music, the landscapes and the stories that calls even to those who have no roots there. The last time I went to Ireland, I went to Dingle in December, it was so beautiful and cosy, and the people were so lovely.
Irish American Mom
Hi Fuschia - It's lovely to hear you had such a nice time in Dingle, and to know that even those who have no roots in Ireland still feel connected and welcomed when visiting.
Best wishes,
Cheryl Barker
If I ever get to visit Ireland, I'll probably most enjoy the coast, the scenery, and the history. Maybe someday!
Irish American Mom
Cheryl - Someday I hope you do make it to Ireland.
All the best,
T.M. Johnson
"...and a hive for the honeybee/and live alone in the bee-loud glade," words that have always resonated with this longtime beekeeper. The literature and lore of Ireland have especially appealed to me. And flims, too: Angela's Ashes, of course, and Ryan's Daughter (one of director David Lean's masterpieces), the cinematography enhanced by the beautiful landscape of the Emerald Isle. Darby O'Gill and the Little People, a film I saw as a boy. I had nightmares for weeks because of the banshee. In Arthurian lore one story has it that the magician Merlin spirited from Ireland the great stones for Stonehenge. I just wish I had had the good sense as a young man to ply my Irish grandmother for more stories. Thanks for the thoughtful list of Irish attractions. TMJ
Irish American Mom
T.M. - Ryan's Daughter was such a masterpiece. With good cinematography Ireland looks magnificent on film. I had never before heard that Merlin may have found his Stonehenge stones in Ireland. Thanks for another little tidbit of ancient knowledge.
Like you, I wish I had paid more attention to my grandmother's stories. If only I realized in my teenage years that I should have been recording her, or at least jotting down notes as she shared her memories of the past. But as they say, "hindsight is 20/20."
All the best,
Hello Mairead, stumbled upon your website because I just returned from Ireland, and was looking for a recipe for authentic Irish Soda Bread. You're truly spot on about the beauty of the Country! It took my breath away. If I had grown up in your fair country, I would sit out doors & paint the landscape for hours!
Me & my Husband had planned on going to Ireland since our tenth anniversary to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. My dabbling into my Irish roots transformed our trip! I finally found out my Paternal Grandfather came from County Longford in 2013. About a month after I posted this on I received a reply from our cousins in Longford. When I informed my cousins we were traveling to Ireland in August 2014, they said they would have a family reunion in our honor!
I come from a family with 9 siblings and they were overjoyed. 2 of my brothers and 2 of my sisters with their husbands, decided to join us. We were in Ireland for 12 days and spent the last 3 with our cousins. It was the trip of a lifetime! I am so overjoyed, and I spent hours on your site after finding it just to read up on all the different aspects of Ireland. What a wonderful country and the people are so warm & welcoming! I really love your blog and will bookmark it to read up on future posts.
Thank you,
Irish American Mom
Terri - What a wonderful story of family connection. I'm thrilled to hear you had such a wonderful time in Ireland, and that your long lost Irish cousins welcomed you with open arms. Thank you so much for checking out my recipes and ramblings. Stop by whenever you get a free moment for a little reminder of why you love Ireland.
Best wishes,
Yes Mairead all the above and more, but above all else that draws we sons and daughters of emigrants past is the connection to that past, contained in that Island across the sea.
Irish American Mom
I like that, Brian. Ireland is the connection to the past so many are searching for.
Best wishes,
As a transplanted American, living in the West of Ireland, I love chatting with American tourists that pass through our popular town. My little piece of advise is to slow down and take your time to enjoy everything!
Irish American Mom
Deb - your advice is wonderful. So many tourists try to experience everything Ireland has to offer in just a few short days. They often miss the magic. Thanks so much for adding your words of wisdom to our little discussion.
Morton L. Friedman
With another couple, we took a trip to Ireland. It was self-drive and we stayed in B&B's. For each day I can give you an experience that will sound like I am a member of the Irish Chamber of Commerce.
First, and foremost, they liked Americans.
But, a few examples.
Most roads in Ireland are narrow. Driving along, a truck who was going fairly slowly, pulled over at a wide spot, to let following cars pass.
In Cork, a traveling companion lost her locket. No problem, the restaurant sent it to our destination in Dublin. Not a problem, that B&B sent it to her home in the USA.
A restaurant in Dublin, their outside menu had mussels. Inside menu did not. Not a problem, when we got up to leave, the waitress asked why, and then said 'no problem, we will have mussels for you.
I could post more, but I hope you get my drift.
Btw, I am not Irish, but would seriously love to return.
Irish American Mom
Hi Morton - It's lovely to hear you had such a wonderful time when you visited Ireland. It sounds like you truly experience the legendary Ireland of a thousand welcomes. The fact you would love to return, even though you don't have Irish roots, is high praise indeed for Ireland as a tourist detination. Thanks for stopping by to share your experience and travels in Ireland.
Best wishes,
I've been so lucky to visit Ireland in 2008, hope I'll be able to get there soon again...
Irish American Mom
Hi Claudia - I hope it won't be long before you get to return. Lovely to hear you enjoyed your trip in 2008.
Best wishes,
I love your ten reasons to love Ireland; I have two more:
1. I'm learning to speak Gaelic. The language is so lyrical. I've always loved the song, Oh the Days of the Kerry Dancing. My great-grandfather used to sing it.
2. Irish lace! I'm working on a project for my granddaughter and pray it will be as lovely as those pieces from the past.
Irish American Mom
Hi Janie - Lovely to hear you are learning to speak Irish. Thanks for adding our language as another reason to love Ireland. Irish lace is beautiful. Lovely to hear you are working on a piece to share with your granddaughter. It's wonderful that you are keeping the old traditions alive.
Thanks so much for stopping by and adding to our discussion about all things Irish.
All the best,