Wise old words from Ireland abound and this old saying about the bannister of life is one of my favorites.

Old Irish Saying About Bannisters
When introducing my Irishisms section, I promised to include some less familiar Irish sayings, So, without further ado, let's discuss a seldom heard saying, but one of my favorites:
"As you slide down the bannister of life,
may all the splinters be pointing down."
I suppose a good analogy for a hard life, is a splintered bottom. I think the old saying is telling us to choose life's bannister carefully. Inspect for splinters before choosing to slide!

Let's face it, looking up the bannister, is a bit like looking back. We are seldom afforded the opportunity of 20/20 hindsight, before we embark on life's journey.
At the very least, be aware of the following warnings.

Opting for an overly-ornate, fancy bannister only yields a bumpy, unsuccessful slide.

Some bannisters are so elegant, they are just not suitable for sliding. Avoid them, at all costs.
Those lions, at the turn, might take a nasty bite. Keep life and all of your bannisters simple.

A good inspection is always in order, before choosing to slide.
I love this photo. See how the woman, on the left, is checking the decorative gold flower - for rough edges, no doubt. I bet she would slide right down, if this bannister lacked such carefully placed, impediments to a good slide.
I wonder if the golden decorations were added after the bannister was built. Without them, that shiny black surface would be perfect for sliding!!!!

Beware of Life's Splinters
It's funny how my Mom always knew, without even looking, when a bannister slide was in the works. I would no sooner lift my foot off the step to climb aboard, when a shout would come from the kitchen:
"Get off the bannister. You're going to break your neck."
She was tuned into the echoing, pitter-patter of feet on the stairs. A sudden break in the pattern, as I paused to contemplate my bannister slide, alerted her to my mischief.
Thankfully, I have an open-plan house in Kentucky, so the stairway is always in view. No secretive bannister sliding in this house.

To sum it all up, as you make your way through life, always remember this saying:
"As you slide down the bannister of life,
may all the splinters be pointing down."
Here are some other ramblings you might enjoy about life in America and Ireland.
Sleep - The Best Kept Beauty Secret
Mid-Life Crisis - Is Forty The New Twenty?
Why I Love America - Drinks With Bottomless Refills
Wishing you all years of happy sliding!!!!

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
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