The Irish Language
Ireland has its own language which Irish people refer to as "Irish". Many Americans call our language Gaelic, and it is a form of Gaelic. In this section we will discuss different topics relating to the Irish language, together with the Hiberno-English now spoken by most people living in Ireland.
Tips for Learning the Irish Language
The Meaning Of A Meitheal In Irish Culture
Introducing All About Irish Online Irish Language Courses
The Celtic Languages
Inspirational Irish Words And Sayings
Irish Language Learning Project In Northern Ireland
Potatoes Planted In May
Potatoes In The Morning
A Person Similar To Small Potatoes
Be Eating A Potato, Peeling A Potato
You would have the potatoes washed, boiled and eaten...
Thoughts On The Irish Language, Plus A Bitesize Irish Album Giveaway
I Could Or I Couldn't Care Less
The Irish American Clothing Dictionary
Irish - A Language Without Words For 'Yes' and 'No'
Why The Irish Love A Bit Of Craic