Irish Wit, Wisdom & Humor collects over 1000 witticisms, musings, deep thoughts, and one-liners from and about Ireland and its people.
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day today Irish American Mom is hosting a giveaway for a copy of this wonderful compilation.
Before I share the giveaway details, let's celebrate St. Patrick's day by delving into some of the quotes selected from Irish Wit, Wisdom & Humor.
The Complete Collection of Irish Jokes, One-Liners & Witty Sayings:
This book features hundreds of authors, poets, comedians, actors, politicians and many more that best represent the Emerald Isle including James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Bono, Edna O'Brien, C.S. Lewis, Sinead O'Connor, George Bernard Shaw, and many others. Here are some favorites.
"Irish is English set to music."
~ Mary Michael Malloy
"Ireland sober is Ireland stiff."
~ James Joyce
"In Ireland the inevitable never happens
but the impossible always does."
~ John P. Mahaffy
"You know it is summer in Ireland
when the rain gets warmer."
~ Hal Roach
"Every St. Patrick's Day every Irishman goes out
to find another Irishman to make a speech to."
~ Shane Leslie
"Ireland is a little Russia
in which the longest way round
is the shortest way home."
~ George Moore
"I finally found a diet that works in Ireland.
I only eat when the weather's good."
~ Hal Roach
"Irishmen are street angels and house devils."
~ Edna O'Brien
"What is an Irishman but a mere machine
for converting potatoes into human nature?"
~ Edward Kenealy
Here's my favorite ....
"Let me make a prediction now:
the twenty-first century will be the Age of the Irish."
~ Mary McAleese
Irish Wit, Wisdom and Humor - The Complete Collection of Irish Jokes, One-Liners & Witty Sayings is written by Gerd De Ley, a former English teacher who has been a professional writer and actor since 1975. From an early age, Gerd has been an avid collector of quotations and proverbs from all over the world and has had more than 450 works published in Holland and Belgium.
His latest compilation of Irish quotations is published by Hatherleigh Press and distributed through Penguin Random House.
Hatherleigh Press graciously provided a copy of Irish Wit, Wisdom and Humor for one lucky reader to win. Here's how to enter our giveaway.
The Giveaway:
One lucky winner will win a copy of Gerd de Ley's book Irish Wit, Wisdom and Humor.
To enter just leave a comment on this blog post by noon on Wednesday, March 21st, 2018.
Any comment will do. What you write does not affect your chance of winning, but if you need inspiration why not tell us if you have a favorite Irish quotation.
A winning comment will be chosen randomly. Remember to leave your e-mail so that I can contact you should you win. Your e-mail won’t be published, just used to contact our lucky contestant for mailing of the prize.
The winner will be announced Wednesday, March 21st, 2018, at the bottom of this blog post.
You may check out Irish American Mom’s complete terms and conditions for sweepstakes’ entries by clicking
A big thank you to Hatherleigh Press for helping us celebrate St. Patrick's Day by sponsoring this wonderful prize.
Winner Chosen:
A winner has been randomly chosen using the Pick Giveaway Winner Plugin for WordPress. The lucky winner of this little book of Irish Wit, Wisdom & Humor is …..
George Neece
I’ll send our an email to let him know the good news. Many thanks to all who entered this Irish American Mom giveaway and a big thank you to Hatherleigh Press for sponsoring this prize
Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Irish American Mom
Never Let The Truth Get In The Way Of A Good Story
Gloria Vodicka
Would love to add this to my collection of Irish books. I can't wait to read it and have a giggle. We need that more and more in this age. Let's not forget the old proverbs and wisdom. It should be a guide during these worrisome times.
Irish American Mom
Hi Gloria - There definitely is great wisdom to be found in the words of our ancestors.
All the best,
Patti Hillard
OH what a wonderful treasure of a book to be had! 🍀 Happy St Patrick's Day! Sláinte!
J. Holtsford
Happy St. Patrick Day -- would cherish this book.
Not familiar with the quotation examples, I'd love to learn more!
Karen E. Neary
Best wishes to all for a very happy St. Patrick's Day!
Geraldine McGovern
Hal Roach, an Irish Legend! HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY.
Irish American Mom
Hi Geraldine - I probably could write a whole blog post on Hal Roach quotes. He truly was a legend.
Best wishes,
Ryli Meehan
Always dreaming of Ireland...
I'd love to win this !
Susan Rasmussen
Love it!
Christine Remington
No more shenanigans !
Heather Dunaway
I love Irish wit! 🙂
No one has a way with words like the Irish!
Christine Cheripka
these are such thought provoking phrases...the Irish have a way with the one liners that lasts for a long time...I would love to win this book...
Wanda Pettus
Sounds like a great read!
Books like Gerd's bring a funny kind of comfort with a settling effect during those less than joyous moments that happen!
Thank you, Gerd!
Thank you, Mairead!
God bless each of you!
Thank You for the giveaway. Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day.
This is a nice giveaway for anyone whether they are Irish or not.
Hope you had a HAPPY ST. Patrick's Day.
A would love to win this book. How was your St. Patrick's Day? hope it was a nice one.
Irish American Mom
Hi Joan - We had a lovely day yesterday. Very quiet - just a family celebration. Hope you enjoyed your Irish day too.
Take care,
Mary Sullivan
I love the wit of the Irish people. This looks like a fabulous book that will have me chuckling.
Mary Rierson
Proud of my Irish roots! We hail from Donegal, Ireland. My grandfather, so many times removed, John Duggan, arrived in America just in time to become quite the Revolutionary War hero. Though I was born and raised 1,100 miles from where I now live, I recently discovered that this same grandfather led a recognizance party into the county in which I now reside.
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - What an amazing family history. What an amazing coincidence that you now live in the same county your ancestor traveled to with a recognizance party. My husband's family also hail from Donegal. Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out this blog post.
All the best,