Spring is a beautiful time of year in Kentucky. Buds appear on the trees, and flowers soon blossom in all their glory.
Spring arrives in Kentucky a little later than in Ireland, where spring starts on February 1st with the Celtic Feast of Imbolc.

Here you'll find a selection of quotations and sayings about spring. I hope you enjoy them.
Sayings about spring
Let's start with a saying from John O'Donohue, a Celtic scholar.
"When one flower blooms spring awakens everywhere."
~ John O'Donohue
Spring has sprung in Kentucky, blossomed overnight, leaving behind all traces of the mild winter we just experienced.
I am proud to report the blooming of my daffodils. I planted them in fall (details are recorded here). The minimal frost we experienced this winter was just enough to help my daffodils burst through in glorious springtime yellow.

"What is your favorite flower?"
"Daffodils!" I answer without hesitation.
Most of my plants are typical daffodils, but for some reason a few bulbs yielded a strange, hybrid flower, with a cluster of petals in the center. They are missing a daffodil's trademark single tubular trumpet. The photo above shows my mutant flower beside a typical daffodil.
Daffodils - My Favorite Flowers
Nevertheless, I love all my daffodils. They make my soul sing, even the mutant variety. Perhaps, I have grown a 'narcissus' flower, but I am afraid my horticulture knowledge is sadly lacking. If anyone knows what these strange blooms are, please, please enlighten me in the comment section below.
Spring is in the Kentucky air. To celebrate, here are a few photos of springtime in Kentucky accompanied by my favorite spring quotations.

"When after the Winter alarmin',
The Spring steps in so charmin',
So fresh and arch
In the middle of March,
Wid her hand St. Patrick's arm on..."
~Alfred Percival Graves

"St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic."
~ Adrienne Cook

"Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!"
~ Sitting Bull
"There's crimson buds, and white and blue,
The very rainbow showers
Have turned to blossoms where they fell
And sown the earth with flowers."
~ Thomas Hood

Spring - an experience in immortality.
~ Henry D. Thoreau

"If you do not sow in the spring,
you will not reap in the autumn."
~ Irish Proverb

"A misty winter brings a pleasant spring,
a pleasant winter a misty spring."
~ Irish Proverb
"It's spring fever.
That is what the name of it is.
And when you've got it, you want
- oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want,
but it just fairly makes your heart ache,
you want it so!"
~ Mark Twain

"Sit quietly, doing nothing,spring comes and the grass grows by itself."
~ Zen Saying

“All you can ever achieve is a sense of your soul. You gain little glimpses of its light, colors, and contours. You feel the inspiration of its possibilities and the wonder of its mysteries.”
~ John O'Donohue
Thanks for checking out these sayings about spring. I hope you enjoyed them.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful colorful place : )
Irish American Mom
Liam - Kentucky reminds me of County Monaghan. The rise and fall of the hills are somewhat like the drumlins of Monaghan. Kentucky is full of rolling hills, horse farms and beautiful blossoms in springtime - not the typical picture Irish people have of America.
What part of Kentucky is it Mairead?
Irish American Mom
Deirdre - I took these photos at the Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve in Goshen, KY. It is just north of Louisville near the Ohio River.
What part is it Mairead? I have always wanted to visit Old Man's Cave I hear so much about it.
Irish American Mom
Deirdre - I think Old Man's Cave is in Hocking Hills, Ohio. Mammoth Cave is in south central Kentucky and is one of the world's longest cave systems. We visited there two years ago, but only my husband and older son took the tour of the caves. I stayed above ground with my triplets who were only three at the time. Definitely too small for a dark, and slippy, wet cave. We're hoping to take a trip south to see the caves again this year - perhaps we may even venture underground during spring break. I'll try to get some good photos for a blog post.