Mount Errigal is County Donegal's highest peak. It's magnificent all year round, but in the wintertime, when its peak is covered in snow, it is simply breathtaking.
A few years ago my brother-in-law captured some beautiful shots of a snow clad Errigal. I thought I would share these pictures with you today.
Donegal people look towards the mountains for signs of snow. If the peak looks closer than usual to you, then its a sign of rain, and on a cold day there could be some snow in the air.
These photos were taken in 2010 when there was plenty of snow in Ireland.
The mountains of Ireland usually get a few snow showers every winter, but parts of the country see no snow at all during the cold winter months.
Usually it's rain, rain and more rain, all year round in the Emerald Isle.
Here, the snow seems to reveal an etched face in the mountain side.
Pristine blue skies reflect in the stillness of the lake.
County Donegal is beautiful, come rain or shine, but snow adds an extra luster to her scenery.
And finally a black and white shot, which I think is simply magical.
Hope you enjoyed these photos of Donegal as a winter wonderland.
Thanks for taking a quick photographic tour of this magnificent area.
Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Irish American Mom
Here are some other posts you might enjoy....
Grianan of Aileach - An Ancient Stone Fort in County Donegal
Brian Deeney
Hi Mairead
We've had snow (but nothing like 2010) in Donegal this past week. On Facebook I'm following Karl Harold of the Errigal Hostel. He posts regular photos of Mt Errigal and surrounding area throughout the year.
My favourite is this rather dark and moody one.
Irish American Mom
Hi Brian - These shots were taken in 2010. I will start following Karl at Errigal Hostel on Facebook. His photos are amazing. Thanks for the recommendation. That shot you shared the link to is surreal. The shadows, clouds and wisps of light are simply breathtaking. Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely weekend.
Brian Deeney
Thanks Mairead
I've linked to your blog post at Visit Donegal on Facebook.
Irish American Mom
Thanks so much Brian.
All the best,
Sometimes I take a photo and it's not until I get home that I realize just how amazing was the light. These days though (and for most of this winter) in order to photo landscape you'd need a tripod since you simply couldn't hold the camera still at such levels and speed.
Irish American Mom
Vince - Good photography is really all about light and mastering its nuances. I got a new camera for my birthday last year, and ever since I realize how little I know about photography, but I really enjoy it. My brother-in-law has a great eye, but little time to be out photographing Donegal. I'm hoping to learn more and build my skill level in the coming months and years - it might even take decades.
All the best,
My point is it's very dark this year. Very dark.
Irish American Mom
Vince - Hopefully this gloomy Irish winter will be the precursor to a glorious summer.
Beautiful!! I love the contrasting colors!
Irish American Mom
Aimee - The day these pictures were taken it was an unusually bright, sunny winter's day in Ireland. Have a lovely weekend.
Those are really amazing. Love the black and white.
Irish American Mom
Thanks Lisa - I love the black and white shot too. Enjoy your weekend. Hope it's not too cold in New England.
All the best,
Julie Ann
Hi Mairead -
We'll be linking to your blog too on our official Facebook page for An Óige - the Irish Youth Hostel Association if that's okay with you? Please do let me know!
Great photos - lovely to see Errigal captured so well! Hope you got a chance to stay in our fab 5 star hostel right at the foot of Mount Errigal! Perhaps when you're back in Ireland again you'll get to see some of the other beautiful places around the country - there's so many on such a small island I'm still trying to get to them all too! If you like hiking- these pages make quite a good guide.
Thanks - and Happy Hostelling!
Julie Ann
An Óige - Irish Youth Hostel Association
Irish American Mom
Julie Ann - Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know about your Facebook page for An Óige – the Irish Youth Hostel Association. When I was in college in Ireland many years ago, I stayed in a number of An Óige hostels around Ireland and always found them to be wonderful. I met so many nice people on my travels.
Thanks for linking to my page and I will follow you on Facebook too.
All the best,
Your brother-in-law certainly has an eye for Irish beauty Mairead. Beautiful scenery
Irish American Mom
Liam - He really has a great eye with a camera. I am looking forward to searching through his memory cards when we visit in the summer. I always find some beautiful shots.
Take care and thanks for stopping by.
Hi Mairead, beautiful images, Ireland in snow, special. I suppose those dealing with the snow might differ,
Irish American Mom
Brian - I think Donegal escaped the brunt of last week's Irish snowfall. Most of the snow fell in Cork and Kerry. These shots were taken in 2010 when Donegal was covered in snow. Unfortunately, they don't know how to deal with snow in the same efficient way those who live in your neck of the woods do. I remember being astounded by how quickly the roads were cleared when I lived in Elmira, New York, which was hammered by lake effects snow every year.
All the best,
Cheryl Barker
Wow, what beautiful photos. Absolutely gorgeous!
Irish American Mom
They are gorgeous. My brother-in-law did a great job that day, driving to all these perfect spots for these shots. I especially like how he captured the reflections in the lake.