Ireland is a great destination for cycling. The Irish roads are calling all you avid cyclists, with memorable trips in store for the energetic and physically active tourist who loves to travel the highways and byways by pedal power.

Exploring Ireland By Bike
Once you remember to pack your rain gear, the Irish roads await to take you on your trails over hills and mountains, or along the Wild Atlantic Way to experience some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world. Cycling in Ireland is a wonderful experience.

Every year there seems to be huge numbers of new cyclists on Irish roads, and for anyone who ever thought about taking a biking trip to Ireland, I thought a little information about the different cycling routes might be a good idea.

Here's an infographic, with excellent descriptions and stats for the best cycling routes in Ireland.
In my younger days I loved to cycle, and have fond memories of touring around Ireland. I loved flat, fast rolling back roads for a good spin, but always be prepared for a few hills in Ireland.

Happy trails to all who take to their bikes to explore the winding country roads, the hills and valleys, and the tiny villages and bustling towns of Ireland.

Enjoy the open air and the surrounding scenery - there's no where on earth quite like Ireland on a bike.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Here are some other counties featured in this series which you may like to check out ....

This is wonderful info, Mairead*! Your memories of cycling the Irish countryside must be so fine!
Thank you and God bless you!
Irish American Mom
Hi Irishannie - Cycling the Irish countryside was a wonderful experience in my younger days, but from now on I'll stick to a motorized forms of transport. Blessings to you too,