I'm Coming Home is a new Christmas song penned by Keith O'Brien and The Jigsaw Jam, and dedicated to the hundreds of thousands of Irish emigrants around the world, who will not be able to make it home for the holidays.
Grafton Street's Christmas lights twinkled in the background as these musicians filmed this heart warming song. The video features clips of immigrants from around the globe sending messages home to their loved ones.
This is an amazing song by Irish artists with fabulous voices. Their Christmas present this year will hopefully be recognition by the music industry, which they truly deserve.
Beware - this video carries a Homesickness Warning!!!!
For anyone spending Christmas far away from family and friends, this song will bring tears to your eyes.
Homesickness is a strange phenomenon, which I have suffered from at various stages throughout my twenty something years living in America. When my initial wanderlust subsided during the first year of my time here, I soothed my Irish soul by returning to my family at Christmas time to recharge my batteries.
But as years passed by and cash flow restricted me from taking multiple trips across the Atlantic, my yuletide journeys to the Emerald Isle came to an end. My passion for my new country has not waned, but at Christmas it is difficult not to feel homesick and sad. That's when I miss Ireland the most.
To minimize my loneliness I bake cookies, join in every American Christmas activity, but deep down each year I miss my family in Dublin, Cork and Donegal.
Poignant Irish Christmas Song
The poignant words of this song stirred my heart and made me think of all the Irish people spending Christmas far away from home.
It's over twenty years since I spent Christmas in Ireland, but I'm happy to say this year is an exception. My kids are so excited to experience their first Christmas in Ireland with their grandparents. We've e-mailed Santa to make sure he knows their correct delivery address.
And so, as I listened to this lovely song, I smiled because finally, I'm Coming Home for Christmas.
I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do. The single I'm Coming Home is now available on Facebook.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
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- Easy Slow Cooker Corned Beef and Cabbage
- Leftover Turkey and Ham Rissoles
T.M. Johnson
Thomas Wolfe entitled his novel: "You Can't Go Home Again." I'm glad you have proved him wrong. So, twenty years.. too long to be away from one's homeland at Christmas. What is Christmas, after all, if it's not shared by grandchildren and grandparents? A very merry Irish Christmas, Mairead, to you and your family. Thanks for sharing "I'm Coming Home." And the best of the New Year to Irish American Mom and her family. TMJ
Irish American Mom
Thanks so much T.M. - I think I am a woman with two homes now. Wishing you and yours a very happy Christmas, and best wishes for a wonderful 2014.
T.M. Johnson
Thanks for the best wishes, Mairead...I'm looking forward to more interesting IAM posts in 2014. TMJ
Love this song. Thanks for sharing it. The singers have beautiful voices.
Irish American Mom
Sheila - their voices hold a little bit of Christmas magic.
Best wishes,
Kay G.
It has always been hard for him at Christmas being away from his family in England. Always.
Love the video, beautiful. Thank you.
Merry Christmas, dear Mairead! By the way, I have so much enjoyed the Irish Calendar I won for 2013, I think I must be Irish, I am as fair skinned as they are in the photos!! xx
Irish American Mom
Merry Christmas to you too, Kay. I understand how Christmas makes your husband homesick for England and family.
Hope you had a lovely time celebrating the holidays together in Georgia.
Best wishes,
The Shepherdess
Thank you so much for sharing this song. It is a song that speaks to more then just the immigrants from other countries but to any one living far from their families and can not get home to be with them over the holidays. Beautiful song, beautiful voices. Wishing love and peace to all.
Irish American Mom
This song is a tribute to all those who are unable to spend Christmas with their families. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your lovely comment.
Best wishes,
Maureen N.
Great song! They deserve big success. Loved it, although it did touch my heart and brought a few tears.
I have not been able to be back in Ireland for Christmas for over twenty years now. School schedules, finances, jobs, and illnesses prevented it. What I miss most is the atmosphere--the pudding, lovely iced Christmas Cakes, significant candles, and of course, family. I love the city lights, street musicians in Grafton Street, and the all around banter and festive air! However, we do try to continue many of our traditions here.
Delighted you got the chance to 'do Christmas' in Ireland this year, Mairead. You must tell us all about it in the coming weeks. Dia duit! (How about Nollaig na mBan too?)
Irish American Mom
Maureen - Dublin truly is a special place at Christmas time. I hope you get to visit Ireland some Christmas time in the near future.
Best wishes,
Cheryl Barker
Mairead, I'm so very happy for you -- so glad you got to go home for Christmas! Hope it was a wonderful time. All the best to you in this New Year!
Irish American Mom
Best wishes to you too, Cheryl. I hope 2014 brings you every success and happiness
Take care,