Intrigue in a Quaint Irish Town is a new book written by Tipperary man, Bill Cooke. Set in 1950's Ireland it's a light-hearted look at life in an Irish town, at a time when most towns were under-developed, and unsophisticated by today's standards.

Table of Contents
Mystery Novel Set in Ireland
Bill Cooke has self-published his writing, and now that the many hours of composition and editing have been completed, the difficult part is spreading the word about his novel.
When Bill left me a message on my Facebook page introducing me to his book, I invited him to write a guest post to share his work with Irish American Mom's readers. Writing a book is no easy task, but compared to marketing the work, writing is a walk in the park.
I love to help new writers spread the word about their publications, especially when a story is set in Ireland, or explores an Irish American theme.

For Bill Cooke, like so many authors today, it's not the measly financial returns paid by electronic book distributors that motivates him to write. His writing catalyst is the knowledge that others have read and enjoyed his stories.
And so today, I'm delighted to introduce you to Bill Cooke and his new novel set in County Tipperary. I have used various images from towns and the countryside of County Tipperary to help illustrate Bill's guest post.
And so, over to Bill ......

Intrigue in a Quaint Irish Town On Amazon
Here's a short excerpt from the description of the story found on Amazon:
"A gripping story set in small town Ireland in 1954, which is laced throughout with humor, intrigue and a hint of romance."
Intrigue arises when Margaret Mary Ryan's true descendants must be traced to inherit her small fortune. But with a name like Ryan in County Tipperary, tracing her true heirs is no simple task.
"The book is very entertaining, a good read, and a commentary on life during the decade 1950 – 1960, before the time when modern consumerism appeared."

Over To Bill Cooke To Introduce His New Book
My book can be described as a historical novel, lighthearted and often comical, it provides an insight into the Ireland in which I grew up.
Although fiction, the book is modeled on my own hometown which was typically undeveloped and unsophisticated as most towns of the time.
The characters are based on the people I knew as a schoolboy in the 1950's. I tried to capture the atmosphere which pertained throughout ordinary Irish society.

The core of the narrative is based on trying to trace the genealogy of a family named Ryan whose ancestor went to America in the 1830's.
Now for anyone with roots in Tipperary you will understand the difficulty of this task. In County Tipperary every second person you meet seems to be a Ryan.

Reviews of my book are very positive and many report it as a good read and a true commentary on life during the decade 1950 - 1960.
My aim in writing this book was to conserve the essence of a society long since past, and to remember the life and times of our fathers and grandfathers, and our mothers and grandmothers.
This book provides a wonderful trip down memory lane, mainly for people who might have lived through that era.

Thank you for sharing my work with some Irish-Americans who might enjoy a good read, which will take them back to theirs youth in old Ireland, or help them to picture the Ireland of their forefathers.
How To Purchase Intrigue In A Quaint Irish Town
A quick note: The links below are affiliate links, which means I will earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using one of these links. The price you pay will not be affected. Thanks so much for supporting my blog ….
March 2020 - This book is no longer available on Amazon.
Wishing Bill every success with his book, and I hope he has plenty of inspiration to write more novels set in the Ireland of his youth, a time that intrigues many of us today.
Other Books Set in Ireland
If you're interested in other books set in Ireland or featuring the Irish in America, here are a few more recommendations to check out...
Dermot O'Hara Detective Series
Thanks for following my recipes and ramblings.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Other ramblings and recipes from Ireland which you might find interesting....
The Rose As A Symbol Of Ireland
Irish Buttermilk Biscuits Or Scones
Best wishes for Bill and congratulations on publishing his book.
Irish American Mom
Mariana - Thanks so much for checking out this post and for your good wishes for Bill. I too wish him every success with his writing and book promotion.
Take care,
I immediately went to the Amazon link and was disappointed to find it is not in BOOK format. Don't have any interest in kindle or e-books. Would have loved to read it!
Bill Cooke
Hi barb, If you send me an address I'll gladly send you a copy, provided you tell all your friends about it...
Warm regards,
Bill Cooke
Irish American Mom
Hi Bill - Thank you for so graciously offering to send a reader a hard copy of your book by mail.
Take care, and keep up the writing.
Barbara Duffy
Dear Bill,
Oh my, how gracious of you. I would be most happy to pay you for your copy and of course, I will tell all my friends about you book. Please give me your email address and then I will give you my address and send you money for the book.
Irish American Mom
Hi Barb - If you would like Bill to send you a hard copy of the book by mail, simply e-mail me your address rather than putting it here in the comment section where it could be seen by the world. My e-mail is ...
I will then pass your information on to Bill.
Thanks so much for checking out this post and book.
All the best,
Mairead, thank you for introducing us to Bill Cooke and his writings. I am looking forward to reading his latest writing! I fear that my love for Ireland may be stuck in the past. I am not liking the changes I see these days, so I am sure I will love reading Bill's writing of simpler more gentle days.
Irish American Mom
Hi Patricia - Ireland is changing without a doubt and sometimes I wonder if I miss an Ireland that doesn't exist anymore. But deep down I know Ireland will keep evolving and the true spirit of Ireland and the Irish will never be quelled.
Best wishes and happy reading.
Kathryn Guare
Well, this is perfect timing! I've published 3 thriller/romantic-suspense novels featuring the same Irish hero, and I'm now in the process of writing a shorter book that tells the story of how his parents met in Ireland - in the 1950s! As an American, I have some trepidation about characterizing Ireland in the 1950s, so I was delighted to see this post. I've downloaded your book, Bill and look forward to reading it - for pleasure as well as research!
Irish American Mom
Kathryn – I’m delighted to hear this book will be a great resource to you. Thanks so much for checking it out and for purchasing a copy.
You may also wish to consider reading the book “Land of my Cradle Days” which describes life in rural Ireland during the second world war. It is out of print but available second hand on Amazon….
Wishing you every success with your reading, research and writing. If you would ever like to write a guest post about your writing to share with my readers just let me know.
All the best,
Kathryn Guare
Thank you Mairéad! I will look for that one as well. I would also love to do a guest post and thank you so much for the invitation. I think the book I'm working on now - with settings on the Dingle peninsula as well as the Great Blasket - might be of interest to your readers. I'd love to share info about the story once it is finished. I'll stay in touch - and in the meantime will keep reading your blog. I love it!
Irish American Mom
That sounds wonderful, Kathryn. Wishing you inspiration and delight as you explore the Dingle peninsula through your writing. Enjoy every moment of the process.
Take care,
Barbara Duffy
I went to Amazon to purchase, however, it is only available for Kindle Readers and I have an iPad. Have you ever considered putting your book on iTunes. If that is not available how may I purchase a hard copy of the book? As one who has tried searching the Duffy name I am sure that I would find your research and story very helpful. Thank you.
Irish American Mom
Hi Barbara - Sorry to hear you were unable to download the book - perhaps Bill will be able to let us know how you can get a hard copy of his work.
Thanks so much for checking out this book - it truly does sound like a great read.
All the best,
Mary Lanigan Russo
Barbara - I use an iPad, too, but I have downloaded the Kindle app for iPad. Have you tried that? I buy books on Amazon and they work fine using the Kindle app. There is also a Nook app, if you like to buy at Barnes & Noble. I'm looking forward to reading this book! 🙂
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - Thanks so much for this tip. I was unaware there's a Kindle app for iPad and another for the Nook - good to know since I have an i-Pad.
All the best,
Barbara Duffy
Thank you Mary for the tip about the Kindle and Nook app.