Yesterday I got some great news. Irish American Mom won the gold award for best expat blog in the USA. Thank you all for your support, your comments, your votes, and above all for reading my ramblings.

I thoroughly enjoyed reviewing your comments on the expats blog page. Your insights help me better understand what you wish to read.
Recipes are the most popular and appreciated posts on Irish American Mom. I promise, I'll keep on cooking, and reworking old Irish recipes for success in America.
Creating entertaining yet useful information about Ireland, and her strong ties to America, is a key element of my blog. If there are stories you would like to hear, please feel free to leave me a comment, send me an e-mail, or contact me via twitter or Facebook. I always love to hear from readers. Your e-mails make me smile, and laugh, and make me proud of our shared Irish heritage.
One reader wrote that this blog brings her:
"Ireland with the mix of American in a way that zeros in to truth, humor, history, and brings an escape of sorts into believing I'm even more Irish than I am."
It is said everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day, but I believe if you feel a connection with Ireland, then you can be Irish all the time - 24/7 -365 days of the year.
Even if that drop of Irish blood running through your veins is only a teaspoonful, it is a very potent teaspoonful indeed, and you have every right to feel Irish. Any time you wish to strengthen that connection to the land of our ancestors, just stop on by.
And so, thank you all once again for your support, your kind words and for joining me on my blogging journey. I couldn't do this without readers like you.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
- Introducing Celtic Roots Baseball Caps For The Modern Irish American
- An Ideal Farm Husband Book Giveaway
- Hitching For Hope By Ruairí McKiernan
- The Hadley Academy for the Improbably Gifted By Conor Grennan
- Our Virtual Cup Of Tea And A Chat - January 2021
- Our Virtual Cuppa Tea And A Chat - October 2019
- Celebrating 5 Years Of Blogging For Irish American Mom
- Irish American Mom's Blog Update April 2016
Sean Kelly
Congrats Mairead, well deserved.
Irish American Mom
Thanks so much, Sean. Have a lovely weekend.
Irish American Mom
Thanks Brian - love the word ditto - have a great weekend.
Congratulations Mairead, a richly deserved award! I've enjoyed looking at the reviews of your blog on the Expats blog page and I echo many of the sentiments there. Please do keep reworking the Irish recipes for success in America. That feature alone is so valuable to so many! Keep up the good work.
Irish American Mom
Thanks Mairead - I need to get busy making mince pies and maybe a yule log next week to post before Christmas. Recipes are really the most popular posts on this site.
All the best,
Kay G.
FANTASTIC! So glad you won! It was all thanks to me, you know. I am SURE that it was my wonderful writing that put you over the top. HA HA JUST KIDDING! It was ALL YOU my dear, you and your wonderful words. Congratulations! 🙂
Irish American Mom
Thanks so much Kay. I think your glowing comments definitely did help. Thanks for being such a loyal reader, for all your lovely comments and for your wonderful blog, which I enjoy so much.
All the best,