St. Brigid's Day is celebrated on the first day of February and all across Ireland people still adhere to the old tradition of mounting a Saint Brigid's Cross in a place of honor in their home, to protect against fire and evil spirits. The origins of the cross are the topic of today's post.
Table of Contents
The First Saint Brigid's Cross
St. Brigid is attributed with creating the distinctive form of the cross which bears her name. Known as an Irish christian symbol, the original design was probably inspired by the pagan sunwheel.
The cross is most frequently made from rushes, but sometimes straw is used. A distinctive square of woven rushes is the centerpiece, from which four radials extend, each tied at the end.
A Cross Made of Reeds
As a school child in Ireland in the 1970's we learned an old legend about how this cross came into existence. St. Brigid took on mythical significance in our young imaginations.
We grew to love and admire her independent spirit, her determination and dedication to God. Here's how the old tale goes.
An old pagan chieftan lay delirious on his deathbed in Kildare. In some versions of the story this chieftan is her father. His servants summoned Brigid to his bedside, in the hope this saintly woman might be able to calm his restless spirit.
As she sat by his bedside, trying to calm and console him, she picked up some of the rushes which were strewn across the floor of the room. As her fingers played with the dry strands, she started weaving them together, eventually forming a cross.
As she worked she explained the meaning of the cross to the sick man. Her calming words brought peace to his soul. The chieftan's fever broke, and he grew quiet. Captivated by her lesson of love and enlightenment, the old chieftan was baptized as a christian, just before his death.
A Tradition is Born
Once word of his conversion reached beyond his lands, news spread fast. Ever since, Irish people have made rush crosses to commemorate the occasion.

Boxty Pancakes - A St. Brigid's Day Tradition
Now you may not be able to find any reeds to make a cross to celebrate Saint Brigid's Day. However, you can create your own cross using pipe cleaners or chenille straws.
Happy St. Brigid's Day to all. You may wish to celebrate by making Boxty pancakes, a traditional food served on this day.
Enjoy the day!

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Irish Traditions
- Irish Family Crests: An Easy Step by Step Guide
- Everything You Need to Know About Irish Pub Culture
- Learning About the Irish Reel Dance
- Core Values In Irish Culture
Irish Soups And Stews
- Homemade Vegan Vegetable Stock Cubes
- How To Make Irish Style Cream of Celery Soup
- Beef and Ale Stew
- How To Make The Best Irish Vegetable Soup
I decided to make boxty to go with our dinner tonight! What a lucky coincidence!
Irish American Mom
Aimee - Your Irishness is showing through - your subconscious probably knew today was the day for Boxty. Enjoy.
Thank you for your posting on St. Bridget. It is a cross and a saint I always admired, but needed to refresh my information. My sister returned from a recent visit to Ireland, and sent me a surprise. The CROSS. I am delighted to have this wonderful Irish treasure~I will have to try the boxty, too. Thank YOU!
Irish American Mom
Dear Katie - How wonderful your sister picked a St. Brigid's Cross for you on her trip to Ireland. May St. Brigid bless you and watch over you, now and always. Thanks so much for visiting my website.
Best wishes,
Brigid McGrath
I give a St. Brigid's cross to anyone moving into a new home.
I love my Patron Saint and my name. People more often say to me that I spell
my name wrong or oh, B-r-i-g-i-d what an odd spelling.
We know that is not true.
Best to all,
Irish American Mom
What a lovely tradition, Brigid. A St. Brigid's Cross is a perfect gift for anyone moving into a new home.
Thanks so much for checking out my website.
Best wishes,
Druid Carraig
Hi, Thank you for remembering Bridget's Day. I am so happy to know that people still celebrate the ancient ways. Yes, you are accurate in stating that her cross has Pagan origins. It really has nothing to do with Christian traditions. Bridget's Cross represents the cycling of the sun through the heavens. As Christianity began assimilating Celtic holidays and traditions as a means of converting Celts to Christianity, this myth, most likely originating from the reigning pope at the time, was used to expedite the process. Similarly, the myth of St. Patrick and the three leaf clover as a means he used to explain the trinity to Pagans in Ireland.
Myths are quite common in every religion and spirituality, even Druidism. They do serve many purposes and have been used for centuries.
Druid Carraig (pronounced "Karick" which is a Gaelic name)
Princeton, NJ
Irish American Mom
Hi Druid - thanks for adding such interesting facts to this little discussion about St. Brigid. Stories of this favorite daughter of Ireland are definitely a mixture of loose facts, peppered with myths and legends. She is celebrated to this very day in Ireland and in parts of County Kerry the locals go "on the Biddy". They dress up in straw costumes and go from house to house with a statue of St. Brigid. They sing and dance and perform at each stop along the way.
Best wishes and thanks for stopping by.
karen m. o'connell
Druid: thank you for your entry. i have worn the ''irish cross'' to the exclusion of all other symbols for the past 15 years. my choice has very little to do with my irish-american ethnicity. for me, the cross is the symbol of ''continuity'' in our eons long search for the Lord's presence among us. i believe that before Bridget, the cross was a sign of the Goddess of Spring (name escapes me) and i have also read that the cross became a way for christians to surreptitiously identify themselves during the Viking/Norsemen invasion.
Robert Yuhasz
We had a speaker at our church today who spoke about Sts. Brendan, Patrick and Brigid. I am Slovak on my dad's side and Scotch Irish on mom's. I know nothing of my heritages. I attended the discussion out of curiosity. St. Brigid's discussion fascinated me so I wanted to find out more. When I googled, your info came up about her cross. Very interesting Glad I attended and glad I read your info. My wife, who passed six years ago was Irish full blood. She had that cross over our front door and I never knew what it was. The cross is still there. I never removed it after her death.
Irish American Mom
Hi Robert - I'm so glad you were introduced to St. Brigid, a strong Irish woman whose legacy is still with us to this very day. I'm so sorry to learn you lost your wife, but it's lovely that you continued her devotion to St. Brigid by keeping her St. Brigid's Cross hanging over your front door.
May the blessings of St. Brigid be with you always.
Take care,
Linda M Eerebout Unitaus
Of the Brannon Black Ball Lineage
Just discovered St Bridget was a mystic
Practicing my Faith thru the 15 prayers
Irish American Mom
Hi Linda - St. Bridget of Sweden and St. Brigid of Ireland were both strong women of deep faith. The 15 prayers of St. Bridget are a wonderful way to practice your Faith. St. Bridget was one of the great mystics of the Church and I believe Jesus appeared to her to teach her the 15 prayers. St. Brigid of Ireland was also a great mystic healer. I too like learning about the saints. Ireland has many saints whose stories I need to explore further.
All the best,
suzana MONIKA
St. Brigid's Cross
This cross is thought to keep evil, fire and hunger from the home in which it is displayed.
HomeIrish Gift InformationHistory And Meaning Of Celtic JewelrySt Brigid’s Cross
St Brigid’s Cross
St.Brigid, also known as “Mary of the Gael”, is an abbess and patroness of Ireland. She is furthermore the founder of the first Irish monastery in County Kildare, Ireland. Born in Dundalk in 450 AD, St Brigid is accredited with first creating the unique cross which bears her name. This cross is normally hand created from rushes however occasionally straw is also used.
The distinctive St. Brigid’s Cross design, made from woven rushes, is thought to keep evil, fire and hunger from the homes in which it is displayed, however the tale of its creation is somewhat confused, and there is not one definitive version.
The tale as we know it is as follows....
There was an old pagan Chieftain who lay delirious on his deathbed in Kildare (some believe this was her father) and his servants summoned Brigid to his beside in the hope that the saintly woman may calm his restless spirit. Brigid is said to have sat by his bed, consoling and calming him and it is here that she picked up the rushes from the floor and began weaving them into the distinctive cross pattern. Whilst she weaved, she explained the meaning of the cross to the sick Chieftain and it is thought her calming words brought peace to his soul. He was so enamoured by her words that the old Chieftain requested he be baptized as a Christian just before his passing.
Since that day, and for the centuries that followed, it has been customary on the eve of her Feast Day (1st February) for the Irish people to fashion a St. Brigid's Cross of straw or rushes and place it inside the house over the door.
Irish American Mom
Hi Suzana - Thank you so much for adding to our stories of Saint Brigid. Lovely to learn that you too admire this great Irish woman of old.
Best wishes,