Handmade Christmas angels are beautiful adorning a festive Christmas tree. Crochet angels are heart warming gifts made with love.
Angels are beloved symbols of the Christmas season both in Ireland and America. Messengers of peace, they remind us to treasure family and friends and that unhurried moments are at the heart of the season.

Angels tell us to "be not afraid", reminding us to pause and experience the true gifts of Christmas - love, peace, and togetherness.
Angels remind me how precious time is and how loving memories endure. They help me remember my angels who have shared in my celebrations and family traditions through my forty-something years of life. Some of my angels are no longer with me physically, but each time I see an angel on my Christmas tree I whisper a prayer of gratitude to my departed loved ones.

And so I love to adorn my Christmas tree with handmade crochet angels. Each year I make a new angel to add to my Christmas host.
They are a decorative celebration of the spirit of the season and a new family tradition that will help my children tell our family tale in years to come.
The Giveaway
This year I crocheted three angels for a giveaway from Irish American Mom. To enter just leave a comment on this blog post by noon on Tuesday December 18th. Tell us what angels mean for you at Christmas time.
A winning comment will be chosen randomly. Remember to leave your e-mail so that I can contact you if you win. Your e-mail won’t be published or shared, just used to contact you should you win.

The winner will be announced on Tuesday December 18th, so I can pop the angels in the mail to reach the winner in time for Christmas.
And so -
May you always walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their wings
Right beside your door.
~ Old Irish Blessing

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Here are some more of my Irish Christmas recipes and ramblings:
Wren Day - And Irish Christmas Tradition
- Fifteen Sparkly Fun DIY Glitter Ornaments for Christmas
- Brighten Your Christmas With DIY Homemade Candles
- Irish American Mom's Christmas Pudding
- Fill Your Life With Merry DIY Santas
Christmas Recipes
- How To Roast Potatoes Irish Or English Style
- How To Steam A Christmas or Plum Pudding In A Crockpot.
- Chicken and Mushroom Vol-Au-Vents
- Homemade Mincemeat
Mick Smith
Angels are the symbol of peace and love, God knows we ALL need some of that at Christmas. It does not matter if you are young or old, the colour of your skin or whatever your beliefs are, peace & love is all that counts. That's what Angels mean to me at Christmas.
Irish American Mom
Mick - We all need peace and love, especially during these sad days with families grieving for loved ones in Connecticut. "Peace and love is all that counts." - beautifully said.
All the best,
Susan Hinz
My mom is my angel looking down from heaven when I get depressed and she helps me to have peace. She was also an angel on Earth. The Bible says, "For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." Ps.91:11
Irish American Mom
Susan - Such beautiful words. My children pray to their Donegal grandmother who died five years ago. They know she is their angel watching over them,just like your mom watches over you. Take care,
I am Catholic so the beautiful somewhat solemn angels depicted in art and cathedrals or churches to me always give comfort that they bring heaven a little closer, especially at Christmas time.
Irish American Mom
Deirdre - I agree - angels do bring heaven a little closer, especially at Christmas time.
Have a lovely weekend, and happy Christmas.
Angels are....well....ANGELS. The symbol of peace and hope...
Irish American Mom
So true, Grammy.
I think that we all have angels much closer to us than we think, and that guardian angels come especially close if we ask them. I have had moments when I felt a need to be calmer and would feel a peace and groundedness after requesting them to draw nearer. Things unseen are there.
Irish American Mom
Wendy - they are with us always, but I think they do draw closer when we ask them.
Best wishes,
When I think of angels, I think of my Nana Hazel, who is surely in heaven looking down on me. She raised me when she didn't have to; sacrificing her precious retirement time without complaint for "in this life, we do our best to do our duty.". Every day with my own daughter, I think - what would Nana do? Seriously beautiful creations you've made. Merry Christmas!
Cheryl Barker
Mairead, your angels are beautiful! Angels are such a symbol of celebration for me during the Christmas season. Joy to the world!!
Kelly Mockler Smith
Angels, for me, are a sign of peace, love and comfort. They make me think of loved ones who are now in heaven, especially my beloved mother. She was not only my mom, but my best friend, and a second mother to my oldest son. She raised 8 children nearly single handedly, and did everything she could to make us feel loved and safe. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her, miss her, and wish she were here to talk to, to give me advice, to tell me I'm doing a good job raising my children, but most of all so that my other 2 children could know her and love her as well.
Wishing you a blessed Christmas,
Cynthia Owens
I've always loved angels, but I don't think I realized them until 6 years ago, when, a week before Christmas, my dad passed away suddenly. That night, as I drove home from my parents' home with a heavy heart, the song "Oh, Holy Night" came on - but not just any version of the song. It was Michael Crawford singing - my favorite Christmas carol by my favorite singer. I'm sure my dad was there that night, guiding the DJ's hand and telling me everything was going to be okay. Love you and miss you, Dad, and wishing you a Christmas blessed with joy.
Chris B
What lovely angels!! I have had some in the past that were tiny but beautiful that I passed on to my sons as they started there own homes. I love yours!!
John Ongena
We all need the angel "reminder", especially now with all the uncertainty and sorrow that many are feeling due to an unforgivable act. Angels are sent as God's comfort "food", to make us all have that feeling of warmth, nourishment and security.
Angels remind me to be calm and at peace with the world. Love these crochet angels - just gorgeous.
love angels on the top of my tree.
to me angels have been a source of comfort not only during the holidays but throughout the year. they remind me of the people who i have lost and that they are still with me.. this year for me though things are very different. we live less than twenty minutes from sandy hook. it is absolutely devastating and i mean the world gained a lot of little and (some older) angels but it is horrible. hard to even celebrate the holidays knowing the pain our neighbors are feeling. people are taking down christmas decorations. this is a very different christmas. i would love to have this on my tree to represent all of the victims at sandy hook. god bless.
Irish American Mom
Jennifer - My thoughts and prayers are with the families of Sandy Hook and the people of Connecticut. Thank you so much for sharing your story and insights into this tragedy, which is so painfully close to you. Blessings to you and may the angels watch over you.
debbie jackson
To me angels mean God and loved ones watching over me. debbie jackson
To me, angels are like, the second thing that reminds me of Christmas next to Santa. I remember looking outside (I live in the Southeast U.S.) and going, "DARN. NO SNOW?", and when there were, all my friends and I wanted to do everything we saw in cartoons and movies, and snow angels were like the first thing we did when it snowed.
Debra Elliott
Very beautiful! Angels to me are a symbol of hope, peace and love. They are sent to guide and protect us.
Linda Terrill
Peace and hope.
they mean love and peace
my grandmother had made me a crocheted angel and I cherish it
I miss her so much and it's priceless to me
it's time it has some lovely company...
They mean love, peace and hope
they mean comfort from pain and worries and hope
angels signify hope...
Angels remind me of when Jesus was born and the angels proclaimed his birth to the shepherds! Luke 2:10 - 14, "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
Michigan address ready!
They make me think of my Heavenly Father, which in turn makes me think about His gospel and plan of happiness for us all.
I love your beautiful angels Mairead! That is something I'd love to learn how to do someday!
I showed my 6 year old daughter your crocheted angel and asked her what angels mean to her - she said: "They remind me of all the people in our family I didn't get to meet that are in heaven."
Angels mean hope and love to me at Christmas time.
Angels remind me of the good news of Christ's birth.
Katrina Fries
Angels are, to me, a sign of peace, love and acceptance.
To me angels are a sign of peace, love and hope
So lovely
Curt Bougher
This is me and my wife's first Christmas and therefore have needed to buy all new Christmas items. An angel would be the perfect addition to our tree!!! It would bring everything together and bring a big smile to my wife's face!!!!!
These are so sweet! there's nothing like handcrafted! Beautifully done 🙂
Irish American Mom
Thank you so much and have a lovely Christmas.
Kim Marazita
Angels to me: Angels give me an extra budge to think of my loved ones that have passed before. Reminds me that they are always with me. They make me smile.
Irish American Mom
Hi Kim - Beautifully said. I always think of angels throughout the day and thank them for being with me.
Take care,