Where is Spring? That's what I want to know. I thought Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring this year, but boy oh boy, did he get it wrong.
As a fully fledged American I grew to believe the famous groundhog's prediction had teeth.
I always thought it would be great fun to attend the celebrations in Pennsylvania one February. It would be a milestone on my American journey. But now I'm not sure if I can trust this sleepy prognosticator.

Springtime Snow
Once I saw my snow capped daffodils I knew the furry weather forecaster was completely in error this year.
But then maybe it was his human interpreter who just doesn't speak proper Groundhog-ese. We'll never know.

But I do know my precious daffodils are shivering under their snowy hats. Spring had truly sprung this time last year in Kentucky.

Snow at Eastertime
All I want is to enjoy a nice breakfast cup of tea outdoors on the deck once the kids have headed off to school.
It's a great way to plan the day ahead, but no hope these days without suffering a frozen tookus (a word I learned in New York from my Jewish patients).

I'm tired of breaking the ice so the birds can have a wee drink.

I know I shouldn't complain. It's only a few little inches here in Kentucky and I remember the year I lived in Elmira, New York. It snowed in June, and this is only March.

And then my poor little ones are worried about the Easter Bunny. Where will he leave the eggs? Does he deliver in the snow? I told them he might ask some of Santa's elves to help him out. Those guys are well used to snowy deliveries.
The thaw is coming today, and fingers crossed our temperatures will be in the 60's by the weekend. The Easter Bunny will be just fine!! Yay!!
And so, what do we need to call this mixed up season. Is it Swinter, or Winting, or Sprinter?
I just don't know, but I sure do hope the real Spring is just around the corner.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Irish Traditions
- Irish Family Crests: An Easy Step by Step Guide
- Everything You Need to Know About Irish Pub Culture
- Learning About the Irish Reel Dance
- Core Values In Irish Culture
Symbols of Ireland
- Ireland's Arched Bridges
- Old Irish Boreens
- Celtic Christening Gowns As Family Heirlooms
- What Is A Shillelagh?
Pat F.
I love your pictures of the little snow covered daffodils!! We live in North Carolina, have for the last six years. Moved here because we were sick of snow and winter. It's cold this year, but no snow.
Hopefully the snow will clear in time for the Easter egg hunt! Happy Easter..
Irish American Mom
The snow has melted already, so my kids will be happy the Easter Bunny won't get frost bite. Hope you have a lovely Easter too.
All the best,
Cheryl Barker
One good thing about this crazy weather, you got some absolutely amazing and gorgeous photos of your daffodils! 🙂
p.s. I'm ready for spring, too! 🙂
Irish American Mom
Cheryl - It's not often you see daffodils with snowy top hats. I just had to snap those photos and they turned out well. Hope you have a lovely Easter.
Best wishes,
Maureen O' Hanlon
I just wrote you a note and sent it to you to discoverI never put in my name and e-mail, so here I go again, I love your stories thanks for sharing, I hope the Easter bunny brings you a big Easter egg you deserve it, show this little note to your husband to remind him, ha, wishing you and your family a very happy Easter and hope the Easter bunny brings all the Easter eggs the little children want. 🙂
Irish American Mom
I hope you have a lovely Easter too, Maureen. Hopefully the Irish weather will improve also, so you might see a little bit of sunshine over the weekend. I know there has been snow in the North and in Dublin, but I hope you all escaped it in Cork. My crew are really looking forward to Easter, and a break from school. They're still in school this week, but will have next week off for Spring Break. Just one week off over here, not two like in Ireland. Happy Easter to you and your family.
My vote is for Swinter. 🙂 My mom told me a few days ago that there was talk of killing the poor ground hog since his 'prediction' was wrong! I hope it's not true. Beautiful pictures! Ours has yet to completely melt, but we are looking forward to the predicted 50's that should hit in a few days! Happy Easter to you and your family!
Irish American Mom
Aimee - I agree - Swinter is the best term for this crazy season. I hope everyone pardons the poor groundhog. If he had said 6 more weeks of winter and we got spring instead nobody would be complaining. Hopefully we all see sunny skies in Kentucky this Easter weekend. Happy Easter to you and your family too.
Hi Mairead, We got a bit of late snow in Boston as well, but that strong March sun has most of the snow melted away. I tell people that we'll be complaining about the heat soon enough. We are still waiting for the Daffodils to crack the surface, and are planning an Easter Dinner of Barbecued Ground hog,
Irish American Mom
Enjoy your Easter dinner, Brian. You gave me a good laugh. Hope your daffodils bloom soon. I'm afraid mine are tipping towards the ground after bearing the weight of their snowy hats. Have a lovely Easter,
All the best,
Kay G.
I saw on TV where someone decided to sue that groundhog that predicted an early Spring! HA! I think that is so funny. I know that groundhog's name, but I can't be bothered to look up the spelling!
I loved the movie, Groundhog Day, didn't you? You might have even done a post on it, I swear I can't remember one thing these days.
Kay (Your forgetful friend in Georgia, lazy one too.)
Irish American Mom
I love that movie too Kay. The first year after my triplets were born reminded me of that movie. I used to wake up in a daze, and didn't know where I was, and seemed to have to do the same thing over and over again.
All the best and have a lovely Easter.
I call this back and forth of Mother Nature "Maple Syrup weather".
Your pictures are so pretty and remind me of my own concerns on
a snowy Easter a very long time ago. My concern was about my
new Easter shoes getting dirty going to church.
Happy Easter!
Irish American Mom
Penny - Wishing you a very happy Easter. Here's hoping for a dry day, so your new shoes won't get muddy. I always love to see little girls in America wearing their Easter bonnets to church. In Ireland a nice dress is usually worn, but seldom a bonnet to match. Easter bonnets are such a cute custom.
All the best,