International bestselling Irish author Cathy Kelly's new book Between Sisters goes on sale in the US today, August 9th, 2016.
I'm delighted to publish a guest post by Cathy, who shares her inspirations for this Dublin based story, and also to host a giveaway for a copy of Between Sisters from Grand Central Publishing.

But before I share details of how to enter this little giveaway, let me first hand you over to Cathy to tell us a little about her life and writing .....
Table of Contents
Between Sisters by Cathy Kelly
Irish people are supposed to have writing in their blood, so as an avid reader since the age of three, I guess I just had to have a try.
But when I first started writing professionally, I was just twenty and a journalist, covering all beats and angles but particularly interested in women’s stories. I covered movies, sad stories and even spent a fascinating five years working as an advice columnist – known as an agony aunt on our side of the Atlantic.
Yet I just couldn’t give up the dream of writing a novel, and finally made it into publishing, age thirty.

Twenty years on, with a husband, two beautiful twin teenage sons, three small dogs and what feels like a laundry business on the side (who knew kids created so much laundry?), here’s Between Sisters, my eighteenth novel.
Like all my novels, it’s got quite the cast list going and is about what happens in life when you think you’ve got it planned out – and then that curve ball hits…
Dublin Based Story
Between Sisters is the story of sisters Cassie and Coco who’ve been raised by their grandma, Pearl – a wise, witty and elegant older lady who lives in a glorious house in Dublin’s Delaney Square, a wonderful community where a giant fig tree sits in the center garden and under which the local children play tag.
It was the perfect place for Cassie and Coco to grow up with Pearl and their dad, Jim, while he was alive. But there was just one thing missing: their mom.

Now grown up, married and with two beautiful daughters, Cassie somehow watches every woman of sixty-something she sees because deep in her heart, she’s looking out for her mother, Marguerite – the woman who left when Cassie was just seven, the woman who’d been swallowed whole by addiction and had just left.
Cassie’s so determined that her daughters won’t suffer in their childhood the way she did, that she’s over-doing it with guilt mothering: trying to work, run a home, be the perfect wife and mom, and even bake cookies. But something’s got to give…
For her younger sister, Coco, who runs a vintage dress shop, being left by their mom hasn’t affected her: no way, insists Coco. Neither has being betrayed by the man she loved.
Coco has her career, her cute apartment, her life mapped out and men just don’t feature in it. Neither do children, because what if she turned out like her mom and left?
And then life throws a curve ball. Coco’s best friend becomes seriously ill and Coco has to help with her family. The man who betrayed her comes back into her life and suddenly, all the plans she has to be a tough and single career woman in four-inch spike heels go out the window.
Cassie’s marriage begins to crumble under both the weight of her determination to be the perfect mother – and the increasing demands of her widowed mother-in-law.
Cassie’s husband, Shay, just won’t say no to his mother, Antoinette, and Antoinette’s got Shay running around for her night and day, doing errands and letting poor Cassie run their life and take care of their daughters on her own.
Her mother-in-law’s been widowed four years now and Cassie thinks she should be getting on with her own life, but why should she when she has Shay on a leash and he jumps to her every command.
And then the past flutters into her life, like a bird feather drifting past a window, and Cassie wants to know what really happened to her mother.
The only person who knows for sure is Pearl, her beloved grandma, and Pearl’s hiding something…

Cathy's Inspiration
When I write, I love to imagine close-knit communities the way life was when I was a kid growing up and the way my life is now. As a child in Dublin, I lived on a road where every single family knew each other and the kids played tennis on the street, with the ball bouncing into yards and the only time we stopped was when a car drove in.
My mom is from the west of Ireland and I spent my holidays there, just miles from the wildness of the sea, next stop the US.
Everybody knew everybody and while that can have its negative points, it created a solid community base where people took care of each other.

Now, I live in a small village called Enniskerry in County Wicklow on Ireland’s east coast, and that sense of community is there. I know everyone in the village and even though I am hopeless at identifying cars as I drive, I wave at everyone.
Sometimes even tourists, wave back from their cars, delighted at the friendliness of the natives! The setting of my lovely village gives me inspiration for a world where people care and I love that.
I don’t create my characters from real people but wow, do I people-watch! Like most writers, the best inspiration comes from real life and I like nothing more in a book than creating people I like and then doing what life does to us all: changing things when we are least expecting them.

With Between Sisters, I came up with the idea of this amazing grandma who’d raised these two children when her son died and her daughter-in-law left. How would that affect these two girls when they were grown?
I also had great fun researching vintage clothes shopping for Coco’s shop as I adore old things, and cannot turn away from a shop selling old bits and bobs!
I loved writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it!
Cathy Kelly
The Giveaway
One lucky winner will receive a copy of Cathy’s book, Between Sisters.
To enter just leave a comment on this blog post by noon on Wednesday August 17th, 2016.
Any comment will do. What you write does not affect your chance of winning, but if you need inspiration for your entry why not tell us if you enjoy reading books set in Ireland.
One winning comment will be chosen randomly. Remember to leave your e-mail so I can contact you should you win. Your e-mail won’t be published, just used to contact our lucky contestant for mailing of the prize.
The winner will be announced on Wednesday August 17th, 2016, at the bottom of this blog post.
You may check out Irish American Mom’s complete terms and conditions for sweepstakes’ entries by clicking here.
Thanks to everyone who supports this little giveaway by leaving a comment, and for sharing it with family, and friends who enjoy reading Irish books.
And a big thanks to Grand Central Publishing for providing a copy of Between Sisters as a prize.
Update – Winner Chosen
Good news. Our winner has been chosen using the randomized “Pick Giveaway Winner” WordPress plug-in.
Congratulations to …..
Janet Hug
I’ll send you a quick e-mail to let you know you are our prize winner.
Thanks to everyone who joined in and entered this little giveaway.
And a big thank you to Cathy Kelly for writing this wonderful post to introduce her writing and to Grand Central Publishing for sponsoring this prize. Looking forward to many more books from Cathy in the years to come.
Books Set in Ireland
If you're interested in other books set in Ireland or featuring the Irish in America, here are a few more recommendations to check out...
The Secrets of Roscarbury Hall
Thanks for following my recipes and ramblings.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
If you enjoyed this post here are some other stories and tributes you might enjoy.
Eulogy For An Irish American Mother

Between The Jigs And The Reels
Kay Switzer
This book sounds lovely and exciting. I would love to read it please.
Thank you,
Solita Tullo
I love reading books set in Ireland. I feel a stronger connection to the characters.
Deidre Moore
I would love to win this book! Thank you for offering another chance to find a new favorite author.
Best wishes and fingers crossed,
Monica Alward
I love everything Irish!! Ivecread severalmof cathy's books.. Recently 'it started in Paris'... Would love this new one!!
Mary E Coyle
This story has already pulled me in, and I'm not usually one for fiction!
I love the premise, and I love all things Irish, so I'm all in for this one.
Sheila McTeague
No matter where you do live there are children raised by their grandparents . In Ireland is no different. And to wish you have your own mum there to ask all the questions and tell all the stories is a wonderment. The sisters seemed to be great characters. I would love to find out how the girls lives turn out with grandmom inspiration of their mother
"Between Sisters" sounds JUST like the summer read I have been looking for--a bit of "old school" ideas about life and community mixed in with the complications of family. . .and a bit of mystery , too, by the sounds of it!
I would love to read this book!
Pat Fordyce
I have this lovely book to read, so no need to enter me. So nice to meet you Cathy....the story sounds wonderful, and having no sisters myself I'm looking forward to reading it!
Elaine Cash
I love reading books about Ireland and was very fortunate to visit Ireland and see Kylemore Abbey, The Cliffs of Mohr and the beautiful city of Galway. I can't wait to go back!!!!
Irish American Mom
Hi Elaine - I hope you make it back someday soon.
Take care,
Aine Haley
Looks like a great read... can't wait to get my hands on it..
I 've read nearly all cathy Kelly's books love her and especially when a book is set in Ireland!!!
Sara McLain
I love reading stories set in Ireland because they pull me into an Irish family or an Irish neighborhood for a little while and that eases the strange homesickness for Ireland. At least for a little while.
I think this book sounds like one I would enjoy. Thank you for allowing me to enter the giveaway.
Beth Alyea
Hi there! I am a librarian and try to work in your titles to as many of my book displays as possible. I love your characters driven novels with brilliant Irish settings. Slainte!
Sharon Clark
This looks like it would be a good book to read.
Linda Roberts
Being from Dublin too. i love your books. They keep me close to home.
Deb Harris
I'd love to win this book. I've read many of Cathy Kelly's books & always enjoy them. My mother was born in Ireland, so I've always loved everything Irish. Thank you for a great giveaway.
Kerry Smith
I would love to read this book!! I so enjoy reading stories set in Ireland.
Janine Corbets
Always happy to be introduced to an author I haven't read before. I have to admit I have been on a kick reading Irish authors the past few months. Gearing up for my trip in September!
Irish American Mom
Hi Janine - Have a safe and enjoyable trip to Ireland. I hope my homeland will be everything you ever dreamed it could be.
Best wishes,
Janine Corbets
This will be our third trip in four years! I love your homeland. My friends refer to it as my happy place!
Irish American Mom
Hi Janine - I think Ireland is my "happy place" also. Three trips in four years is wonderful - enjoy your every moment of your upcoming trip.
Take care and happy travels,
Looks like a fabulous read!
B. McFetridge
I enjoyed the introduction to Between Sisters. Will look for it to purchase it, if I don't win one!
Shea McTrue
I've not yet read a Cathy Kelly book. This post made obvious the love of her craft and the delight in creating her characters and story. With so much of her heart in it, I'm sure it's worth a read.
Jessica Proctor
I love Maeve Binchy books so thank you for introducing me to this new author. I can't wait to read her books!
Jessica Proctor
I love reading Irish authors so I'd love this book!
Mary Ann
I retired in June after a wonderful career of thirty-seven years in education. I finally have some time for some good reads. This one sounds fantastic! I am hoping for some Irish luck. Bless you.
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary Ann - Finding time to read is such a blessing. Enjoy your retirement.
All the best,
Jenna O
I really like the cover of this book!
Please help, anyone who knows people in Sunday Wells, Cork , the last reference I have from my family in Ireland is a letter to my Grandfather Michael J Browne from Madgie Browne , I have no idea who she is. My Grandfather emigrated to NY in the 1920s with my Grandmother Mary Murphy, they were married in the Catholic Church and had five children , Mary, Kathleen , Ilene, Alice and Michael.
return address, Good Shepherds Convent in Sunday Wells, anyone who knows of any Brownes in that area please contact me,
Irish American Mom
Hi Susan - I hope you find your relatives in Ireland. It can be a difficult task, that takes detailed research and perseverance to find long lost relatives.
Here is a link for searching online records in Ireland …
Here’s another link for a page that lists genealogy resources for Ireland ..
Best of luck with your family research.
Elizabeth Linsley
My parents came from Ireland in 1920. I've been there two times and not long enough. I've heart felt feelings about Ireland and enjoy reading of the country and it's people.
Irish American Mom
Hi Elizabeth - I'm delighted to hear you were able to visit Ireland twice already. I hope you are blessed with time and money to return many times in the future.
Best wishes,
Sharon DeGraffenreid
I would love to read this story! I'm already engrossed, and want to 'meet' Coco and Cassie... and Pearl!!!
Also, Kathy's account of her life growing up reminds me of the neighborhood I grew up in, and it sounds like she uses that reference in her stories.
Even if I don't win, I will be looking for her books!
Thank you for introducing us to her.
Irish American Mom
Hi Sharon - These three ladies sound like intriguing characters. Thanks for stopping by to check out this new book by Cathy Kelly.
All the best,
Linda Antunes
I just love your blog and I look forward to reading everything. I was in Ireland last year with my daughter and son-in-law. It was really beautiful. Cathy Kelly's book sounds really good. I just want to read it all. If I don't win I will surely buy it. Thank you once again for bring Ireland to Florida.
Irish American Mom
Hi Linda - Thanks for your kind words about my recipes and ramblings. I feel privileged to share my stories with readers like you, who love Ireland just as much as I do.
Best wishes,
Catherine Rapple
I would love to win this book, love reading Cathy Kelly's books!
I usually prefer non-fiction but enjoy any book with interesting characters and relationships. This one sounds good!
Would love to read this book!
Dee Hill
Sounds good to me to entertain my Irish roots.
Rose Barton
I'm so proud and fascinated by my Irish roots. This book sounds like a must read for me.
Sue K
This book sounds like a great read. I visited Ireland 4 years ago and would love to go back!
Irish American Mom
Hi Sue - I hope you make it back to Ireland someday soon.
All the best,
Janis Asdrubolini
I would love to read that book. I was in Ireland four years ago. Partly because it's always been my dream and partly because my Great Great Grandparents came from Killarney, Co. Kerry area in the 1800s. It was the most beautiful place I've every been. I love reading anything irish, eating irish food, traditional irish music (check out Realta) and Guiness.
Wishing and hoping to win this.
Irish American Mom
Hi Janis - You offer high praise indeed to Ireland - "It was the most beautiful place I’ve every been." I'm so happy to hear that and thanks for sharing your love of Ireland here with readers of my blog.
All the best,
Linda Diamond
Love reading your blogs! Would love to read Between Sisters.
Jennifer Nerad
This book sounds like it's just up my alley! I was raised by my Grandmother, so that part resonates with me. I have had a love for Ireland for many years, and have always felt a pull there, though I have yet to go. I recently took a DNA test to find out my ancestry, and found that I am 27% Irish. It was like a puzzle piece I was missing finally fit! I have been a bit obsessed with all things Irish ever since! 😉
Irish American Mom
Hi Jennifer - I hope you make it to Ireland someday. But in the meantime, do stop by to share my recipes and ramblings anytime you wish to feel connected with the land of your ancestors.
Best wishes,
Janet Hug
Reading your lovely blog further warms my heart and continues the charm of Ireland. I journeyed to Ireland in May of this year. My family accompanied me to Ireland as a celebration of life, and my recovery from breast cancer treatment. I look forward to finding this book in a local bookstore.
Irish American Mom
Hi Janet - Thank you for sharing your story of recovery from breast cancer with us here on my blog. What a wonderful way to celebrate life and good health, by visiting Ireland with your family. Thanks for stopping by and checking out this book.
Wishing you health and happiness always,
Janet Hug
Hi Mairead,
I am so thrilled to win the book!! Thank you for the opportunity to win the book.
My best wishes,
Janet Hug
Irish American Mom
Congratulations Janet. I hope you enjoy this Irish sisterly story.
Best wishes,
Sounds like Cathy Kelly has a gift she is putting to good use! Your stories, Cathy, being set in Ireland, help, so much, those of us in the Irish diaspora who, though grateful for the home they have, know there is another home that always lives in their hearts and DNA! Thank you, Mairead*, for helping us know about Cathy and her work!
God bless you!