Radio Ireland is a new novel by Kevin Mahon, a Canadian who now calls Austin, Texas home, but his family roots are in Ireland. His father grew up on Dublin's northside.
Kevin's novel is initially set in Austin, Texas, but moves quickly to Dublin. The author skillfully portrays Brendan Daly, the main character, with a perfect balance of gravity and humor.
Brendan leaves his past behind in search of a new life in Dublin. This is a story of discovery, home coming, and new beginnings, interwoven with the difficult subjects of grief, and depression.
Kevin has graciously offered a copy of his book for one reader to win. Before we share the giveaway, let's first delve into Radio Ireland a little further, plus I have a lovely interview with Kevin to share with you.
Here's the jacket cover piece, or book blurb to introduce you to the Radio Ireland story line...
Table of Contents
- Radio Ireland - Book Premise
- An Interview With Kevin Mahon
- Why did you choose an Irish theme and setting for your book?
- Do you have family ties to Ireland?
- What traits do you think make your main characters typically Irish?
- What is your favorite childhood book?
- What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
- What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?
- What was your most difficult scene in the book to write?
- Do you believe in writer’s block? Any tips for overcoming this dreaded obstacle to writing?
- What does literary success look like to you?
- Where can readers find your books for purchasing? Do you have a website and can readers follow you on social media?
- The Giveaway
- Update – Winner Chosen
Radio Ireland - Book Premise
"After the passing of his father, Brendan decides to leave North America behind and begin a new life as a rock radio host in his family's ancestral home of Dublin.
But when Brendan arrives he discovers that Rory, his co-host and lifelong friend, is missing. In a moment of inspiration, Brendan invents an unexpected co-host who takes Dublin by storm and invites him to confront his past.
What results is an emotionally charged and heartfelt tale that combines laugh-out-loud stories with bittersweet episodes and an ending you won't soon forget."
Brendan arrives in Dublin, having never visited his father's hometown before. He's at a crossroads, having just suffered the loss of his father in Austin, Texas. He never knew his mother, who died when Brendan was born.
Without his father he has no ties to Texas, and upon arriving in Dublin he immediately feels a sense of coming home, recognizing places from his father's stories.
Radio Ireland feels raw and personal from the very first page. The pace and pathos of the conversational prose is true to Irish culture, and the scenes in Dublin are pitch perfect. This book makes the reader feel part of a warm, honest and heart-rending confessional.
The language and dialogue are real, with plenty true-to-life Irish cursing, without which the plot would lose its authenticity. We've previously discussed the Irish love of forceful 'adjectives.'
Some of the editing in Radio Ireland is imperfect, but for me, that made the book all the more genuine and poignant. In Ireland, perfection is definitely not overrated. Minor grammatical errors simply made me feel like I too was part of a fast paced and absorbing bar conversation.
And so, let me hand you over to Kevin, for our online interview. His answers confirm he's truly an Irish man, and would enjoy a good chat in a pub over a pint of the black stuff.
An Interview With Kevin Mahon
Mairéad, what an honor it is to have my new novel, Radio Ireland, now be a part of this great community that you’ve assembled here on Irish American Mom!
I’m looking forward to answering some of your questions about the book – let’s get to it:
Why did you choose an Irish theme and setting for your book?
The thing to understand about this book is that it was written as a way for me to document so many personal stories, funny conversations, and heartbreaking moments that came out of being brought up in a predominantly Irish household in the Toronto area of Canada.
I implanted all these true experiences of being brought up somewhat Irish into a fictional storyline.
Do you have family ties to Ireland?
My father and his five brothers were born and raised on the north side of Dublin in an area called Cabra West to hard working Irish Catholic parents. It is here in Cabra West that the majority of my story takes place.
What traits do you think make your main characters typically Irish?
I love this question! And the answer is humor. As the main character in the book, Brendan, explains, “up until the age of about eleven I swore my name was y’schoopid feckin eejit-ya”.
Much of the humor in the book comes from Brendan’s ability to imitate his Irish father and that very specific comedy that I would argue is indigenous to the Irish.
What is your favorite childhood book?
Off the top of my head it would have to be a tie between Sesame Street’s There’s a Monster at The End of This Book and The Hardy Boys series. (…and if I’m being totally honest, There’s a Monster at The End of This Book is probably still one of my favorites.)
What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
Writing the truth. It’s far too easy to avoid difficult subjects in your work. With Radio Ireland, I set true stories from my life, some very difficult to come to terms with, into a fictional storyline.
Writing it as fiction made it far less intimidating to write, as opposed to the vulnerability one would have writing a non-fictional autobiography of sorts.
To put it plainly, writing this book as fiction allowed me the license to be comedic, yet very truthful about personal hardships in dealing with the likes of alcoholism and death.
What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?
I used my first trip to Ireland as the basis of this book. And so much of what the main character, Brendan, experiences upon arriving in Ireland is directly taken from what I experienced.
What was your most difficult scene in the book to write?
Without a doubt, it was writing the two scenes that deal with the death of Brendan’s parents. In order to make those scenes as believable as possible I forced myself to go back to those two days when I lost my parents relatively young and relive even the smallest of details. I have to admit that I got quite emotional writing those scenes.
The loss of my father was a turning point in my life and the loss of my mother is something that I still haven’t allowed myself to come to terms with. On top of that, I lost my little brother as I was preparing to publish this work.
Death is a theme of this book, but the magic of the Irish is that they can find humor, even in death (who wouldn’t want a tombstone that read Now Will You Believe I’m Sick?)
Do you believe in writer’s block? Any tips for overcoming this dreaded obstacle to writing?
This is going to sound bad at first – but you have to be a voyeur! People watching is paramount for writers and actors.
Sit at a bar and describe the scene in front of you right down to the guy tapping lightly on the rim of his glass of beer to the music.
Strip away all the pretense and mirror the humanity around you in your words. It will make your work real and relatable to the reader – no matter the genre. I don’t write at a desk in a room. I prefer to write out in the world where I can take in everything around me and feed it into the story.
What does literary success look like to you?
I’ve achieved it. Someone read my book and wrote to me to let me know that they laughed out loud at points, cried at points, and found it therapeutic with regards to dealing with their loss of a parent.
My little story had an impact on someone - What more could an author ask for?
Where can readers find your books for purchasing? Do you have a website and can readers follow you on social media?
Radio Ireland can be purchased in paperback and eBook online through most of the obvious retailers in countries around the world including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target, Kevin Mahon Music, and such.
A quick google search of Radio Ireland Kevin Mahon will find it.
Would love to hear from readers through my website: and follow me on
Thank you so much for letting me ramble on a bit about my new novel. It’s been a pleasure! I would invite anyone that has read the story to reach out to me about it. I would absolutely love to answer any questions or hear any comments you may have.
Kevin Mahon
The Giveaway
To enter simply leave a comment on this blog post by noon Eastern Time on Saturday, July 18th, 2020.
Any comment will do. What you write does not affect your chance of winning, but if you need inspiration why not tell us about your family connection's to Ireland, or why you enjoy books set in Ireland.
A winning comment will be chosen randomly. Remember to leave your e-mail so that I can contact you should you win. Your e-mail won’t be published, just used to contact our lucky contestant for mailing of the prize.
The winner will be announced on Saturday, July 18th, 2020, at the bottom of this blog post.
You can check out Irish American Mom’s complete terms and conditions for sweepstakes’ entries here.
Many thanks to everyone for stopping by to learn about this new book, set in Dublin. And a big thank you to Kevin for participating in this online interview, and for sharing his work with us today.
Update – Winner Chosen
Our winner has been randomly chosen using the Pick Giveaway Winner Plug-in for WordPress.
And the lucky reader is ….
Peggy D.
I'll send Peggy an email to arrange mailing of her prize. A big thank you to everyone for supporting this giveaway by leaving comments. And many thanks to Kevin, for sharing his book with us.
Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Disclosure: I received a free, electronic copy of this book for review purposes. This post reflects my honest and unbiased thoughts about this work, Radio Ireland.
Text copyright 2020 by Kevin Mahon.
Excerpts and photos reproduced with permission of the author.
Here are some more recipes ramblings you might enjoy...
Taphophiles and Graveyard Seats
Mary L Power
Sounds like a fascinating book. I'm ready for a good read.
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - Thanks for checking out this new book, and for supporting this little giveaway.
All the best,
Sara McLain
That title, Radio Ireland, caught my attention right away, as I've been impacted by Irish Radio. So it predisposed me to want to read it. Usually I don't fully appreciate books about Ireland written by Americans; they often don't catch the true flavor and poignancy of the Irish writers. But I just had a good hunch about this book by Kevin Mahon. I wish him all the best. Thanks for the good interview.
Kevin Mahon
Thanks for this note, Sara! I know what you mean about American writers not always capturing that Irish flavor - I'm a big Brendan O'Carroll fan for capturing that! If you end up checking out the book, please don't hesitate to drop me a note. Would love to hear your thought, not to mention how you've been impacted by Irish Radio. Cheers! Kev.
Irish American Mom
Hi Sara - Irish radio is truly an art form. When I'm driving around Ireland I love to listen to the radio and the conversations that occur on so many of the stations. The tone of the conversations, the depth of topics covered and the humor on the radio in Ireland is very different to what we find in America. Thanks for your kind words about this interview.
All the best,
Susan Rasmussen
Sounds like a good read, I love books set-in Ireland!
Irish American Mom
Hi Susan - I'm always delighted when an author contacts me to introduce their work set in Ireland. Kevin's book is a perfect fit for our Irish blog theme here.
All the best,
Thanks for this opportunity to add to my collection of Irish books.
Irish American Mom
Hi Brenda - It's lovely to learn that so many readers of Irish American Mom collect Irish themed books. Thanks for stopping by to enter this giveaway.
All the best,
Lou Judson
Thank you so much for the review, interview, and commentary. And the author picture sure makes it all believable! I'd lift a pint with him any day. First I gotta find my shades...
Irish American Mom
Hi Lou - I love Kevin's author picture - it's perfectly unique, and nothing like the usual over posed professional shots so many writers use. It portrays Kevin as someone with whom you could have a pint and a good chat. Thanks for checking out this post.
Best wishes,
Kevin Mahon
I'll lend you my shades! Like George Clinton of Parliament-Funkadelic says "You've got to put your shades on to feel cool...". The first round is on me!
Sounds like a really good read, with a character driven plot that deals with a difficult subject matter.
Irish American Mom
Hi Will - The subject matter dealt with in this book is not an easy one to explore. Kevin Mahon bravely chose to write about death and alcoholism with an empathetic and understanding voice. The characters in his book are authentically Irish in their conversations and approach to life, both the good and the bad.
All the best,
Kevin Mahon
While the overarching subject matter tends to be a little dark - at its heart the story is a comedy (I hope!! You'll be the judge that, right?). In my family, we dealt with the harshness of life with a laugh, a drink, and a song. How Irish is that?
Christi Caughey
I love following what you are doing! And of course your give aways too!
Irish American Mom
Hi Christi - Many thanks for following my ramblings and for entering these giveaways. I'm so glad you appreciate my efforts to share some lesser known writers and debut novelists here.
Best wishes,
Have always loved books that are set in Ireland . I love Irish humor and no matter the theme of the book there is always some top notch laughs between the covers.
Looking forward to a great read!
Irish American Mom
Hi Ginny - Great to hear you too like books set in Ireland, and the unique wit and humor of the Irish, which seems to consistently shine through, even when a book is dealing with difficult themes. There are many good stories, anecdotes, and funny sayings in this Dublin novel.
All the best,
Kristina McGovern
While traveling to Ireland is limited at the moment, it's great to go there via a good read!
Irish American Mom
Hi Kristina - Thanks for stopping by today - it's great to be able to bring a little piece of Ireland to readers through these blog posts.
All the best,
Margarita Brown
Top of the morning to you from Aus!
It surely bejebers sounds like a great book, just right for a cozy fireside read to transport you to the old Dublin the fair city where the girls are so pretty and a man first set his eyes on sweet Molly Malone...
Irish American Mom
Hi Margarita - Thanks for stopping by from Australia. It's Sunday evening on my side of the world, but Monday morning for you - so I'm glad to start you week by introducing a new book set in Dublin. Have a great week.
Take care,
I live in Austin and loved visiting Dublin in 2015. Can't wait to read this book!
Irish American Mom
Hi Lisa - It sounds like this book would be perfect for you. You'll definitely appreciate both locations featured in this novel.
Best wishes,
Kevin Mahon
Lisa, If you live in Austin, you might get a bit of kick out of how the story opens in, of all places, Chuys. Cheers! Kev.
Peggy D
I love all books set in Ireland. This sounds like a good one! Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!
Irish American Mom
Hi Peggy - Thanks for checking out this new book. It's setting is perfect for readers who appreciate Ireland. Thanks also for supporting this giveaway.
All the best,
I lived in Co. Cork for ten years and miss Ireland everyday!! Would love to add this book to my ever growing collection of books based in Ireland! Thank you for this opportunity!
Irish American Mom
Hi Marilyn - It's lovely to learn that you enjoyed your ten years living in Cork so much that you still miss Ireland. And thanks also for letting us know that you too are an avid collector of Irish themed books.
All the best,
I love books set in Ireland and would love to read this.
Irish American Mom
Hi Jaima - Thanks for following along, and for supporting this giveaway.
All the best,
Maureen Koebel
I enjoyed reading the interview. This sounds like a book I would like very much.
Irish American Mom
Hi Maureen - I too appreciated Kevin's genuine answers to my questions, which help us understand his inspirations and motivations for writing his novel.
Many thanks for following and checking out this book giveaway.
All the best,
Patrick Murphy
Thank you for telling us about this book. I love reading and especially anything to do with Ireland. I moved from Co. Cork to the US in 1987, and currently live in Maine. My daughter is called Mairead so this blog is very appealing. I am a dad and not a mom but I like what I see here.
Irish American Mom
Hi Patrick - Dad's are most welcome in this corner of the internet - don't let the word mom in the name of the blog deceive you. Lovely to hear you christened your daughter Mairéad. There aren't too many of us in America. Does she explain the pronunciation of her name by saying "it rhymes with parade" just like I do?
Glad to hear you hail for County Cork. My family are from Kildorrery and Skibbereen, so Cork is dear to my heart.
Thanks for stopping by to check out this new book.
All the best,
Patrick Murphy
Yes, we have used the same techniques also - once people hear that it rhymes with parade, then they have no problem. I know Skibbereen fairly well, since I am proud of my West Cork identity - I hail from a place called Timoleague and went to secondary school in Clonakilty. I love reading and hope to read this book in the near future.
Irish American Mom
I remember being taken to see the ruins of Timoleague Abbey as a youngster. It was very close to the water if memory serves me well. It's a lovely village in a beautiful setting.
Danielle Welch
Hello, I hope to enjoy Kevin’s Irish book very soon. I live in Texas also and found out last year that I am almost 1/2 Irish. We are planning a trip there when things settle down. GRMA
Irish American Mom
Hi Danielle - How wonderful to find out your heritage is nearly half Irish. I hope you get to visit someday soon. Hopefully these days of travel restrictions and social distancing will soon come to an end. Thanks for checking out this post.
Best wishes,
Mary Dineen Stegemiller
His interview was delightful, really excited to read his book.
Thank you for the online interview. The interview gave us insight into
his writing and his personality.
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - I've only recently adopted online author interviews as a way to introduce new books. I think it's a great way to get a feel for a writer's inspirations, tone of voice and personality. And of course, I always need to explore every featured writer's connections to Ireland. Many thanks for following along and joining in this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Kevin Mahon
Thanks for this note Mary - It's a pleasure to get to share this story with you all!
I was so flattered by the opportunity to be interviewed by Mairéad.
Karen Spencer
Hi! I really enjoyed reading the made me want to read the book even more. I was supposed to fly to Dublin in late March (it would have been my first trip to Ireland). I hope to get there someday.
Irish American Mom
Hi Karen - So sorry to hear your trip to Ireland had to be put on hold. Hopefully we'll all be able to travel again someday soon. I truly hope you make it to Ireland, but in the meantime thanks for stopping by to read my Irish ramblings.
All the best,
Kathleen Griffis
Your interview With Kevin Mahon captured me. I couldn't wait and ordered the book right away from Amazon Prime. It will be here in two days. Amazing that Amazon only has 3 books available but more on the way. I can't wait to read it! If I should win it would make a wonderful gift to give.
Kevin Mahon
Thanks so much!
I sincerely hope you enjoy this little story of mine.
Please don't be a stranger - would love to hear your thoughts after reading!
Kathleen Griffis
I received your book late yesterday afternoon. I started reading about 7 p.m. I couldn't put the book down and finished it at 12:20 a.m. What an emotional ride! You had me laughing out loud, then tore at my heartstrings and then blew me away with the ending. All the ingredients of a good writer.
I am following you on Amazon and await for your next book. Thank you for a great book.
Irish American Mom
Hi Kathleen - I'm so glad you enjoyed Kevin's book. You definitely didn't put it down, to get through it so quickly in one evening. The ending is totally unexpected, for sure. Many thanks for taking the time to give your feedback here.
All the best,
Irish American Mom
Hi Kathleen - That sounds like good news for Kevin. I hope stocks being low means there's great demand for his book. Thanks for reading this interview.
Best wishes,
Jennifer Bouchard
I love Irish themed books, and would love to read this one!
Irish American Mom
Hi Jennifer - thanks for entering this giveaway.
Take care,
Bob Moore
Sounds like a good summer's read!
Irish American Mom
Hi Bob - Thanks for checking out this interview and book.
All the best,
Athena Hall
Adding it to my list of books I want to read!
Irish American Mom
Hi Athena - I'm so glad this guest interview by Kevin helped introduce you to his writing.
All the best,
Sounds like a book right up my alley!
Irish American Mom
Hi Linda - This book is unique and takes an interesting look at the Irish psyche.
All the best,
This book sounds wonderful! I just recently learned of my father's Dublin ancestry after years of knowing about my west of Ireland roots. Would love to read and following along with Mr. Mahon's journey! Thanks so much for offering and hosting this great giveaway.
Irish American Mom
Hi MJ - Lovely to hear you've recently learned more about your Irish heritage, and that you discovered you too have family connections to Dublin. The dialogue in this book is typical of how northside Dubliners speak, with lots of wonderful, expressive and humorous phrases.
All the best,
Reading books about places in Ireland remind me of times I visited. It's so wonderful to be able to relate to the journey in a good read!
Irish American Mom
Hi Deborah - Lovely to hear you've visited Ireland and that you like to return there through the power of storytelling and books.
All the best,
Alice Morrison
This book sounds like a great reads day laughs along the way. My best to you and I hope his book is a wonderful success. I would love to go back to Ireland sometime. I love the Everything Irish assuming we can get rid of covid-19 in the U. S.
Blessings to you and youe family. Stay safe. Alice
Irish American Mom
Blessings to you too, Alice. I hope you make it back to Ireland sometime soon, when all this craziness has finally passed us by.
All the best,
Barbara Legener
Good morning. Although I’ve no Irish ancestry, I am drawn to Ireland. Maybe someday I’ll get to visit. Until then, I’m here in very hot, San Antonio, just an hour from Austin. Escaping through books is the next best thing to actually being there, so come on and pick me. 🙂
Irish American Mom
Hi Barbara - Irish roots or DNA are definitely not a requirement for feeling Irish at heart. Many readers of this blog feel drawn to Ireland. I think there's something magical about our little island that just calls out to people. Stay safe in San Antonio. I lived in Dallas for 8 years, so I know how hot a Texas summer can be.
All the best,
Pat OConnor
Great interview Mairéad. Thanks for that! And Kevin sounds like an intriguing character who, like all good Irishmen, can spin a great story. I am looking forward to reading his new book. Thank you for your introduction.
Kevin Mahon
I appreciate the response, Pat!
It was quite a trip to write this story. It took me all over North America, and of course, across Ireland. My hope is that gives you a bit of a laugh, despite the overarching darker themes. All the best! Kev.
Irish American Mom
Hi Pat - I too enjoyed reading Kevin's answers to my questions. I think online interviews are a great way to get to know an author, so I may keep this format for future book posts and giveaways. Thanks for checking out this book.
All the best,
Born and raised in the North and now living in the US, I love books set in Ireland.
Irish American Mom
Hi Maurice - I'm glad this post was able to introduce you to a new book with an Irish setting.
All the best,
Denise Gray Meehan
Hi Brenda,
Your interview with Kevin Mahon was just what I needed to give me a push to get busy on the revisions of my novel which is also set in Ireland and shares similar themes. I will definitely read Kevin’s book and get in touch with him.
Thank you.
Denise Meehan
Kevin Mahon
Congrats on the new book - looking forward to hearing more about it!
Irish American Mom
Hi Denise - Best of luck with writing and editing and getting your novel over the final revision hurdles. I'm also writing a book, and I say to myself, I'm 99% done, but I've 99% to go, when it comes to editing. Happy writing.
Denise Gray Meehan
Sorry Mairéad - I addressed you at Brenda.
Haven’t finished my coffee yet.
Denise Meehan
Irish American Mom
Hi Denise - No worries about that. With a name like Mairéad in the US, which is so hard for Americans to pronounce or understand, I pay little attention to what name I'm called. Once I remember going to Starbucks with my kids in tow. When the server asked for my name, I just said Marie, to make life easy. One of my little ones started shouting at the top of his lungs, "you're not Marie. That's not your name." I was mortified, as everyone in the store stared at me.
All the best,
I was born in the Rotunda in Dublin. My family moved to England when I was four months old. We then moved to Canada when I was 11. I am Irish, and very proud of it. Thank you for the opportunity to see another book set in Ireland.
Irish American Mom
Hi Kathryn - It's lovely to learn that you'll never forget about your Irish heritage, and that your proud of your Irish roots.
All the best,
Pat Sandford
I was born in England, moved to Canada, then fell in love with Ireland.. I understand the pull of 'home' back across the Atlantic.. a place of the heart. I would love to read the book while waiting for the world to settle down and allow international visitors another chance to be 'home'.
Irish American Mom
Hi Pat - I agree with you. Ireland calls to us across the ocean. It truly is a place of the 'heart.' I always call Ireland my 'spiritual home.' Hopefully we'll all be able to move freely again someday soon.
All the best,
Mary Fitzgerald
I can't wait to read this book. I miss Ireland everyday. Yes, it's the people there, but it's the smell and the feel of it that gets my soul mourning for it. Also the food 🙂 I think that "There is a Monster at the end of this Book" may be my favorite book ever. I read it to my children so many times that I'm convinced thatI read it with the best emotion and intonation possible. Ask my kids and any of the 6 grands - lol.
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - I think we can all give Kevin's choice of favorite children's book a big thumbs up. My kids loved it when they were younger. The other book they adored was an English one called "The Gruffalo".
Thanks for stopping by.
Jean MacCoy
Great interview! Sounds like an excellent book to read and share with family and friends!
Irish American Mom
Hi Jean - Thanks for checking out this guest post and interview and for entering our little giveaway.
All the best,
Beth Riley
My two favorite subjects: family relationships and Ireland. Sounds wonderful.
Irish American Mom
Hi Beth - And Irish family relationships are a subject all on their own. 🙂
Thanks for checking out this giveaway.
All the best,
Grief, alcoholism, and depression. Sounds like the story of my own Irish family, alas .... All too common. Sounds like a must-read.
Irish American Mom
Hi Marsi - These are difficult topics and ones that many Irish people relate to. I must commend Kevin on how he deftly handled these subjects with grace and skill through his writing. There's a constant balancing act required in this book, to allow Irish humor shine through, despite the overarching themes of despair and the trials of coping with grief.
All the best,
This is a wonderful addition to my Ireland collection. Just purchased I’ll Know It When I See It by Alice Carey.
Irish American Mom
Hi Sue - I haven't read Alice Carey's book, but it sounds like one I should add to my reading list. Thanks for alerting me to this title.
All the best,
Nicole henke.
Sounds like a great book, and author! Can't wait to read, will def pickup if I don't win 🙂
Irish American Mom
Hi Nicole - I'm delighted this interview post was able to introduce you to a new writer, like Kevin.
All the best,
Kevin Mahon
John, at its heart, my story is about continuing to get to know a parent, even after they're gone. Thanks for this note. Enjoy your sons every day my friend!
Irish American Mom
Hi John - Thank you for sharing your sound advice from a parent who lost his own father at an early age. My four children are now young teenagers, and trying to convince them to spend time with their parents is an ongoing battle. May you and your family enjoy many good times together creating memories.
All the best,
Looks like a great read!
Irish American Mom
Hi Ryan - Thanks for joining our book giveaway.
All the best,
erin friedman
Putting this one on my Must-Read list. Thanks for the head's-up.
Irish American Mom
Hi Erin - Glad to introduce another book with an Irish setting. Thanks for stopping by to check it out.
All the best,
Irish American Mom
Hi Erin - Thanks for stopping by to check out this new book set in Dublin.
All the best,
Lynette M Martinez
I am missing Ireland more than ever right now. I can't wait to read the book and feel a little closer to my favorite places in Dublin.
Irish American Mom
Hi Lynette - I think many people are feeling this unexpected separation from Ireland this summer. Hopefully we'll be back traveling by next year. In the meantime, books are a great way to feel connected to Ireland.
All the best,
Donna McCaul-Thibodeau
I was born in Belfast and raised in Derry. I've been in America a l-o-n-g time but when I think of home, I see Ireland. And it doesn't hurt that I still have loads of family there, so lots of reasons to go back!
Irish American Mom
Hi Donna - I don't think it matters how long we spend in America, in our mind's eye, Ireland will always be home. We're born that way. Glad to hear you still have many family connections in Ireland - great to be able to visit with friends and family when you go back. Hopefully we'll all be able to visit again next summer.
All the best,
Mary Ann
Hello~ You make my Sundays even more special when I open my inbox and see one of your posts. The book sounds delightful!
Thank you!
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary Ann - Thank you for your kind words about my email updates from this little corner of the internet. I'm so glad you chose to subscribe to my email list. Thanks for checking out this post about this new book.
All the best,
Kathleen Griffis
I posted my second reply under my name. Don't forget to read it.
Irish American Mom
Thanks a million, Kathleen. I really appreciate your feedback.
Best wishes,
Ginger Leigh
I lived in the Austin area for 3 years... and LOVE Chuy's! This would be a perfect book to put into our Little Free Library! I know people in the community would love to give it a read...
Irish American Mom
What a great idea, Ginger. I visited Austin a few times when I lived in Dallas, and have been to Chuy's. Austin is a great city.
All the best,
Yay- thanks for having a give away. All this COVID self isolating makes for great reading time at least. Fingers crossed I’ll get lucky 🍀🤞
Irish American Mom
Hi Cathy - Thanks for stoping by to support this giveaway.
All the best,