Captain Cillian is a friendly sailor from Ireland, who loves to explore the oceans with his mates. Today, I'm delighted to introduce you to this fun and educational Irish seafaring character for children.
And good news! There's a fun kid's adventure pack giveaway at the end of today's post. But first, let's learn a little bit more about this friendly Irish sailor.

Table of Contents
How To Pronounce The Captain's Name
Let's start by learning how to say our friendly captain's wonderful Irish name, Captain Cillian.
It's pronounced like Kill-ee-an.
Sometimes you see this name spelled as Killian, but our good captain uses the Irish version of his name, Cillian, since there is no letter 'K' in the Irish language.

Captain Cillian's Book Series
Captain Cillian's book series is a mix of fiction and non-fiction, and is quite unique as it touches on four learning themes:
- Explore Ireland
- Discover Ocean Facts
- Learn the Irish Language
- Create and Play

Explore Ireland
Captain Cillian loves exploring the seas and oceans around Ireland and the world. He currently has three Irish seafaring short stories featuring Captain Cillian and his friends.

In Hidden Caves Adventure this cute little captain sets sail from Galway and heads south to County Clare in search of caves and hidden treasure.
Together with his mermaid and pirate friends, Captain Cillian explores the Cliffs of Moher, and discovers a secret passageway. Deep in the caves they encounter trouble. Will they make it out alive? Will they find treasure, and who will save the day?

Captain Cillian braves the waves of the Atlantic Ocean once again when he sets sail from Dingle in County Kerry on his Stormy Sea Adventure.
He sets out on a bright sunny morning, but you know Irish weather is never to be trusted. He soon encounters stormy seas and blustery winds and rains. Will he steer his ship away from dangerous waters? Will Dolphin Rian save the day?

In the third book in the series, Captain Cillian takes us on his Surfing Adventure. He sets sail for the beautiful beach in Strandhill, County Sligo to visit his cousin Ciara (pronounced Keer-ah).
They explore the beach and learn how to surf. Meeting new friends in the water, they learn all about the waves and surfing in this beautifully illustrated picture book and learning workbook for young children.
Lovely Irish Books for Children
These lovely Irish tales are perfect additions to story time for Irish or Irish American families who wish to take their children on a fun seafaring adventure around Ireland.
So far, three stories have been released in the collection. But there are more to come. Soon Captain Cillian will launch his Wild Atlantic Way Adventure Pack.

Created By Carina Ginty
Captain Cillian is the brain child of a busy mother of two boys, who lives in Galway City in the West of Ireland.
Inspired by the Wild Atlantic Way, which is right on her doorstep, Carina Ginty's love of the sea is clearly evident in her books about this clever little Irish sailor.
She has created amazing educational resources to put some fun into learning Irish, and exploring the beauty of Ireland's coastline.
You can learn more on Captain Cillian's website, Facebook page, or on Twitter.
Irish American Mom's Seal Of Approval
I received a complimentary starter pack for review purposes and to help me create this blog post. It arrived packaged in a lovely shiny green envelope, sealed with Captain Cillian stickers. Always young at heart, I was excited to explore the contents of this adventure pack.
Carina has gone the extra mile to create a truly appealing package, that will peak the interest of Captain Cillian fans, both young and old. This is a fun way to learn about Ireland and to be introduced to the Irish language.

At the back of each book there is a learning chart for Irish words with phonetic pronunciations. One book covers colors, another numbers, and another items of clothing.
Throughout each book there are highlighted "Learn Irish" boxes. The phonetic pronunciation for the Irish words is not included here. But for anyone wishing to start learning Irish, the lessons at the end of each book are a wonderful introduction.
The books can be purchased separately or as part of an adventure pack on Captain Cillian's website. And good news! There's free worldwide shipping available on orders over €25.
The Prize
One lucky winner will receive a Captain Cillian Learning Adventure Pack.

This starter pack includes:
- 3 short learning adventures exploring Ireland titled Stormy Sea, Hidden Caves and Surfing Fun.
- A fun Captain Cillian Ireland wallchart with stickers
- A set of Captain Cillian and friends stickers
The Giveaway
To enter just leave a comment on this blog post by noon on Sunday June 19th, 2016.
Any comment will do. What you write does not affect your chance of winning, but if you need inspiration for your entry why not tell us where you would like to explore in Ireland with Captain Cillian and his friends.
One winning comment will be chosen randomly. Remember to leave your e-mail so that I can contact you should you win. Your e-mail won’t be published, just used to contact our lucky contestant for mailing of the prize.
The winner will be announced on Sunday June 19th, 2016, at the bottom of this blog post.
You may check out Irish American Mom’s complete terms and conditions for sweepstakes’ entries by clicking here.
Thanks to everyone who supports this little giveaway by leaving a comment. Please do share the news about this little Irish sailor with your friends and family.
And a big thanks to Carina for introducing us to Captain Cillian and his friends.
Update – Winner Chosen:
Good news. Our winner has been chosen using the randomized “Pick Giveaway Winner” WordPress plug-in.
Congratulations to …..
I’ll send you a quick e-mail to let you know you are our prize winner.
Thanks to everyone who joined in and entered this little giveaway.
And a big thank you to Carina Ginty for sponsoring this prize and for introducing us to Captain Cillian.
Wishing her every success with her unique business.
Other Irish Children's Books
Here are some other children's books you might enjoy:
Books by Boystown Press
Kelcie Murphy and the Academy for the Unbreakable Arts
Irish Children's Books
The Greenest Wind
The Dog Who Lost His Bark
Happy reading.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
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Heidi Nightengale
Oh, as a writer of children's books and and Irish American, I just love the importance of this Captain Cillian's series. Children learn through reading and play and this is completely lovely. Oh, how I would love and utilize the gift pack with the young children I work with and for.
Irish American Mom
Hi Heidi - It's lovely to hear you too write children's book. Reading and play are definitely the keys to learning, and creative reading adventures like Captain Cillian are just perfect for little readers.
Thanks so much for checking out this post.
Mary Therese Ladell
This looks like so much fun! And I have four grandchildren to share it with. Please enter me in the drawing! Happy summer!
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - Thanks for entering this giveaway, and best of luck to all the entrants.
Hope you too have a lovely summer.
Mary Hards
Would be lovely to introduce my grandchildren to some of their Irish heritage.
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - These picture books are a perfect introduction to Ireland, not only for little ones growing up in Ireland, but also for those with Irish heritage living all around the world.
Best wishes,
Jean MacCoy
Wonderful way to introduce children to the West of Ireland (my favorite area!!). For children of Irish descent around the world, a fun way to learn about Ireland and the Irish language!
Irish American Mom
Hi Jean - The West of Ireland is simply spectacular. The scenery has to be seen to be believed, and there's no place on earth quite like the west coast of Ireland when the sun shines.
All the best,
Julie Green
My son Hootie would love these! Thank you
Irish American Mom
🙂 ☘ 🙂
All the best,
Sheila McTeague
As a first time Nana this series looks wonderful to enjoy with my grandson. Im a big believer-is reading and working with literature for my children.From an Irish family my grandson Sean already hears the stories of his ancestors.
Irish American Mom
Hi Sheila - I agree with you wholeheartedly about reading to little ones. It's so important for learning and for developing their imaginations. I'm delighted to hear you share old Irish legends and stories with your grandson, Sean.
Best wishes,
Wendy Searcy
Thanks for the opportunity to see these books in our family library. Hope we learn a bit of Irish. We've just found out that we have Irish ancestry.
Irish American Mom
Hi Wendy - Now that you've discovered your Irish ancestry, learning a little bit of Irish is a wonderful idea. Glad to hear your family research has been successful.
All the best,
what a great idea! LOVE IT! Love to win to share with our irish dance camp this summer!
Thanks for sharing with us!
Irish American Mom
Hi Nicole - The Irish language lessons with phonetic pronunciations found at the back of each book would be perfect for an Irish dance camp. Happy dancing with your troupe.
Martha Sweeney
Thank you, Mairead, for bringing another lovely story/article to us, your readers.
Enjoy your summer - I am sure you will spend some of it at home so let us hope
the weather is good but on the other hand being at home is treat enough.
Irish American Mom
Hi Martha - I hope you have a lovely summer too. Thanks for stopping by.
All the best,
Christopher Young
Just placed an order for the surfing adventure. I think my daughter will love the book. Thanks for the heads up on these stories!
Irish American Mom
Hi Christopher - I hope your daughter will enjoy her Captain Cillian adventure. Thanks so much for ordering a copy.
All the best,
mary mac
I would love to give this set to my grand-nephew Patrick Thomas McCaffrey, born yesterday, June 8th. God willing e will get to meet his Irish relatives someday!
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - Congratulations on the birth of your grand-nephew. What a great Irish name! I hope someday you will travel with him to Ireland to meet his family.
Best wishes,
These look like great children's books!
Irish American Mom
Thanks, Bernadette.
All the best,
Deidre Lewis
My children and I would love to win!!! Especially my 8 year old, Cillian 🙂 I'm sure Maeve and Mairin will love it as well!! Thanks!
Irish American Mom
Hi Deidre - Exploring Ireland with his namesake would be wonderful for your Cillian. Thanks for stopping by and supporting this little giveaway.
Best wishes,
Patty O'John
Those books sound wonderful & I have a 3 yr old niece that would love these!
Most of the places Capt Cillian has been I've ventured myself in Eire'
Galway Dingle Kerry Cliffs of Mohar all fabulous!! Someday I hope to take Emma there as she's 1/4 Irish. ☘
Have a great weekend & thx once again for your great Blog. ?????
Irish American Mom
Hi Patty - It's lovely to hear you too have visited all of Captain Cillian's ports of call. These books are perfect for Irish American kids, interested in learning about Ireland. I truly hope someday both you and Emma will stand above the Cliffs of Moher and feel the Atlantic ocean spray. It's an amazing place to share with your niece.
All the best,
Teresa Quinn
I agree they are super books I gave them to my grandniece a and nephews last Christmas who are anxiously waiting for new adventures
Carina is a lovely exciting writer with a gift with words
Irish American Mom
Hi Teresa - Thanks for sharing your positive review of these little books. I too love how Carina paced these stories, and how she introduces fun loving characters to young readers. New adventures along the Wild Atlantic Way will be a wonderful addition to this series.
All the best,
Carina Ginty
Thanks so much Mairead and everyone for all your lovely comments. Creating Captain Cillian has been such great fun and I hope you and your families all enjoy the book series. Thank you for spreading the word.
Best wishes from the Wild Atlantic Way!
Carina ???⛵️??
Irish American Mom
And thanks to you too Carina for sharing Captain Cillian with us and for sponsoring this giveaway. Captain Cillian is such a wonderful idea and his adventures are a great way to teach kids about Ireland and the Irish language. Happy sailing and happy writing on the Wild Atlantic Way. So many wonderful places for Captain Cillian to visit along Ireland's coast. Looking forward to when he might visit the Aran Islands.
All the best,
Carina Ginty
Thanks Mairead,
The Captain Cillian Island Adventure to Aran - is in the pipeline!
Best wishes,
Irish American Mom
That's great to hear. So many places to visit in Ireland.
Happy writing!
This looks so fun for young & old!
Thank you Mairead* and Carina!
God bless you both!
Irish American Mom
Thanks Irishannie.
Blessings to you too!
Maureen o Hanlon
Good evening Mairead
I'm visiting the Aran island inis Mor at this very moment, my daughter and 2 grandchildren brought me here today for my birthday ?, it's fabulous here, we are staying B&B for the night, it's so beautiful here, every body speaks in Irish but will change to English instantly, the taxi ? drivers are so informative,, there is one doctor and 3nurses on the island, no dentist,, but he said it gives an incentive to visit the mainland, there is one guard, 3national schools and I secondary, I priest, I hotel, and as I speak there is a wedding ? on there, they make their living by fishing ? and tourists, I could go on forever but afraid it won't fit in this post, I'm going on a 2hr bus ? tour tomorrow, can't wait, I would love to win this book ? as my daughter and children moved to Galway a year ago,
Best regards. Maureen ?
Maureen o Hanlon
Mairead I forgot to say in my post above, if someone gets sick on the island the life boat ? will have them to the main land in 30 minutes or a helicopter to Shannon in 35mins, it was so interested talking to the taxi staff, every body are so friendly, and also you can hire bicycles and there's horse ? and cart tours, the island is 14miles by 2miles Il probably be writing to you again if I remember something else ? regards Maureen
Irish American Mom
Hi Maureen - It's comforting to know the islands have and excellent emergency plan. And it sounds like a perfect place to hire a bike - not too big and not too small, with no major hills to ascend for tired cyclists. I hope you make it to see Dun Aengus.
All the best,
Irish American Mom
You're so lucky, Maureen. The Aran Islands are top of my list of places to visit in Ireland. Have a wonderful time, and thanks so much for sharing all the wonderful information you have learned during your stay. I hope the sun shines on you for the rest of your trip.
Best wishes,
Maureen o Hanlon
Just spent my last day at inis nor on the Aran islands, fluent Irish speakers, Irish is their first language, it was lovely to hear them all talking to each in Irish, we went in a magnificent tour today with Michael og he was so informative, stopped along the way to show us land marks and the house ? where he was born, he told us he loved the island and couldn't imagine living anywhere else, they got electricity in the early 70s , the only wild animals that live there are rabbits, no foxes, badges etc, some people own a cow ? or 2 but that's all as the land is very poor, there's a lot of stone ? there, that's how there are so many stone walls dividing the little fields, and every islander has his own way of building their wall divider s, now this bit is funny, people don't own patches of land side by side, there could be 4or5 patches of land beside your stoned patch of green, the reason is so every body gets even amount of bad and good grass, very fair isn't it. There are 800 people on this island and it's about 16 miles long by 2and za half miles wide, there are a few horses there as well for traps, hr said the animals are so well looked after, that's why they only have a few cows if a person does own cows, there is no funeral home or directors, every one wakes their loved ones at home, no herse either, usually a tractor and trailer, there are no visitors cars allowed on the island as the roads are so narrow and only the islanders know how to drive carefully on the roads, there are loads of cyclists and walkers on the roads, so the islanders look out for this. Most of the houses are 2story as there was always plenty of stone to build there, the only expensive bit was the roofing, oh Mairead I could go on for hours, there is a nursing home built in 2000, the reason being is that the island residents were very lonely when moved to the main land, and every body speaks Irish at the nursing home, Michael og showed us the seal colony, the fisherman don't like them, but they are an endangered species,ill finish for now Mairead, my eyes ? are tired from using this phone ? and small print, I'll tell you more another time. all the best Maureen
Irish American Mom
Oh Maureen - Sounds like you've had a wonderful time learning the stories of the island and getting to know the people. What wonderful memories you're making. Thanks for all this information on the Aran Islands. You're blessed to have been able to get there.
Take care, and have a safe trip home.