Saint Brigid's Crosses are made all over Ireland and adorn the walls beside the entrances to many Irish homes. Our journeys to and fro are blessed by Mary of the Gael, as Saint Brigid is often called.
These Irish crosses are made with interwoven rushes, and this cross is supposed to keep fire, hunger and all things evil away from the homes where it is displayed.
Table of Contents
Saint Brigid's Day
Saint Brigid's Day is fast approaching, and to celebrate this amazing Irish woman our giveaway this week is for a beautiful framed printable for the home, featuring a Saint Brigid's Cross, a treasured symbol of Ireland, first created by this beloved Irish saint.
Before we get in to the details of our giveaway, let's first explore a little more about Brigid of Kildare.
Feast Day on February 1st
We commemorate St. Brigid on her feast day is of February 1st because it is the anniversary of her death in the year 525.
Part fact, part fiction, part myth, and part legend, she will always be a fascinating figure to me, and for many Irish the world over.
Did you know she is a patron saint of Ireland? Yes, that's correct. That honor is not only bestowed on Saint Patrick, but his female counterpart is held in equally high esteem.
Often you hear her referred to as “Mary of the Gael” because she is renowned for her kind and selfless acts and no greater honor can be bestowed upon her, than to call her after the Mother of Christ.
Irish gifts often feature the distinctive cross woven of reeds for which she is most famous. Legend tells us she converted a dying man to Christianity by weaving a cross like this from the reeds on the floor beside his bed.
An old pagan cheiftain was dying. He had heard stories of a saintly woman in the area and asked his servants to summon her to sit with him as he lay on his deathbed.
St. Brigid's presence, and her calming words brought peace to his dying soul and eased his restless spirit. As she was weaving this unique cross, she talked about its meaning. The old chieftain found comfort and died a peaceful death.
A simple rush cross holds mythical significance in Ireland and is a beloved Christian symbol first created by the patroness of Ireland.
Children in Ireland often make crosses for Saint Brigid's Day in school using reeds, or chenille straws (pipe cleaners).
Brigid's father was a Celtic Druid and Chieftain, but her mother was a Christian slave. The old story of her birth tells how she was born as her mother stood in a doorway with one leg inside the house and one leg outside the house. Perhaps this is why we hang Saint Brigid's crosses beside our doorways. She holds sway over the world inside the houseand outside, from the very time of her birth.
A Generous Spirit
From the time Brigid was a little girl she was renowned for her generosity, which caused much trouble for her with her father. She simply kept giving his riches away.
We are told that once the benevolent Brigid gave away her mother’s entire store of butter. But lo and behold, the complete stock was miraculously replaced, and no one could explain from where the heavenly butter came.
Her father's patience was tried and tested as she frequently parted with his precious belongings without asking for his permission.
Whether fact or fiction, all stories of Brigid concur that she was a very open-hearted girl whose acts of kindness and generosity plagued her father. She shared his abundant stores of milk, butter, and meat with beggars who came to their door.
Proposed Marriage Of Saint Brigid
To solve his problem her father decided the best solution was to marry her off to another man. His attitude was to let his daughter distribute another man's wealth instead of his own, by offering her as a bride. Brigid wanted to become a nun, and marriage was not in her plans.
Brigid and her father traveled by chariot to meet the King of Leinster. While her father went to discuss the marriage contract with the King, he left Brigid and his sword with a magnificent bejeweled bronze scabbard in the chariot. A weapon would not have been appropriate at the King's table.
A leper approached Brigid asking for alms. Brigid looked around the chariot, but there was no food to be found. Instead she handed him her father's precious sword, advising him to sell it for money to buy food.
You can just imagine the rage that came upon her father on discovering his missing sword.
The King of Leinster realized he may be taking on more than he bargained for so he questioned Brigid, “Will you also give away my riches too?”
Her famous response was:
“I would give all the wealth of Ireland away to the poor to serve the King of Heaven.”
Well, that put an end to the marriage deal, and Brigid was granted her wish of becoming a nun.
Becoming A Bishop, Not A Nun
The officiating Bishop at Brigid's ordination was Mel, not Patrick. Mel traveled to Ireland with Patrick on his second evangelizing mission to the Emerald Isle. The cathedral in Longford town is named after him.
As Brigid approached Mel to take the veil, he witnessed a pillar of flame rising from her head. He was so perplexed by the site, he confused his prayers and recited the ordination prayer for a Bishop instead of the blessing for a nun.
The crowd were shocked and objected to the ordination of a woman as a Bishop. They wanted Mel to rescind his blessing. But Saint Mel stood his ground. He claimed his error was God's work. And that Brigid would remain a Bishop of the Church.
An Abbey In Kildare Where The Arts Flourished
County Kildare in Leinster is closely associated with Saint Brigid although she traveled the length and breadth of Ireland.
She founded her abbey in Kildare, and she cleverly chose an ancient site that was sacred to the Celts and the Druids. The abbey was built on the site associated with the pre-Christian Celtic goddess Brigid.
She was known as Brigid of the Tuatha de Danaan and in Celtic mythology she was associated with life giving gifts, spring and the old Celtic holiday of Imbolc. We actually celebrate Saint Brigid's Day at Imbolc each year.
This abbey boasted a very active scriptorium, the writing room where books, legends and the bible were transcribed. The most famous Irish manuscript today is the Book of Kells, but did you know there also was a Book of Kildare, produced at Saint Brigid's Abbey.
Magnificently illuminated and decorated with ornate metal work, legend has it that this book was the work of angels. Unfortunately it is one of Ireland's treasures that was lost forever at the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
A Blessing For The Home
To mark Saint Brigid's love of art, I thought this beautiful print is the perfect prize for this week's giveaway.
This print features a St Brigid's Cross plus a beautiful Irish blessing for the home.
Let us remember her generosity, her love of the arts and ask her to bless our homes, as we celebrate our Irish heritage with her through this little giveaway.
We looked at another Irish house blessing a few weeks ago, but this one is just as meaninful.
Brigid's Blessing
May Brigid bless the house wherein you dwell
Bless every fireside every wall and door
Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof
Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy
Bless every foot that walks its portals through
May Brigid bless the house that shelters you.
As a strong, independent and generous Irish woman, Brigid remains an inspiration for Irish people all over the world. This print is a wonderful reminder of our Irish roots.
Celtic and Fantasy Art By Kevin Dyer
Kevin Dyer is an artist based in Georgia, who creates beautiful Celtic inspired works. Here's how he describes his inspirations on his Etsy page:
"I am something of a student of ancient art and particularly interested in Celtic history, but I am not interested in reproducing artifacts or furthering a traditional technique.
There was an original impulse for man to do art in the first place. Images and objects that take us out of our day to day consciousness. A magic icon or at least a feeling that allowed the viewer to step out of the ordinary world of words and survival and allow a more ancient wisdom to arise. I am looking for that magic."
Here's a small collection of his beautiful work.
You'll find many more spectacular pieces in his Etsy shop.
He also sells through Amazon and here's a link to one of his Saint Brigid's Crosses.
The Giveaway
One lucky reader will win a Saint Brigid's Cross Digital print with Brigid's Blessing. This is a digital print of Kevin Dyer's original cast paper work.
This reed or straw woven cross is associated with Brigid of Kildare, a patron saint of Ireland and with an older pagan goddess Brigid, represented by a sun wheel. It is said to protect a home from fire and is often hung in kitchens for that purpose or at doorways to bless those as they come and as they go.
This print is framed with glass in a high-quality anodized aluminum frame with dimensions of 8″ x 12″. This blessing is printed on high-quality paper for a beautiful luster.
To enter simply leave a comment on this blog post by noon Eastern Time on Monday, February 1st, 2021, Saint Brigid's Day.
Any comment will do. What you write does not affect your chance of winning, but if you need inspiration why not tell us if you have a favorite Irish saint or role model.
A winning comment will be chosen randomly. Remember to leave your e-mail so that I can contact you should you win. Your e-mail won’t be published, just used to contact our lucky contestant for mailing of the prize.
The winner will be announced on Monday, February 1st, 2021, at the bottom of this blog post.
You may check out Irish American Mom’s complete terms and conditions for sweepstakes’ entries by clicking here.
Thank you to all who support this giveaway and share it with family and friends who may also enjoy some stories of Ireland, and the Irish in America.
Update: Winner Chosen
Our winner has been randomly chosen using the Pick Giveaway Winner Plug-in for WordPress.
And the lucky reader is ….
I’ll send an email to arrange mailing of her prize.
A total of five readers named Colleen entered the giveaway. The winning Colleen left the following comment:
"This is really lovely, thank you. Although my middle name is after Patrick, I’ve always felt more of a kinship with Brigid."
A big thank you to everyone for supporting this giveaway by leaving comments. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every one.
Thank you all for supporting our Irish American community. I hope you enjoyed learning about the meaning the cross and exploring some stories of St Brigid.
Stay tuned for more stories and giveaways over the coming weeks and months.
Here are some stories of Ireland you might enjoy.
An Irish Tour Following in the Footsteps of Saint Brigid
11 Things to Do in Dublin Ireland You Don’t Want to Miss
History of Shrove Tuesday And Pancake Day Plus Old Irish Traditions
Thanks for following my recipes and ramblings.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Disclosure: I do not have a direct financial relationship with Kevin Dyer. The links for purchasing this book are affiliate links to his Etsy shop, which means that if you should purchase this book through one of these links I will earn a small commission. This post reflects my honest and unbiased thoughts about his work. I publish these posts to help artists promote their Irish and Irish American themed work.
Here are some more recipes and ramblings you might enjoy…
Molly Dennehy
I really enjoy reading the comments and your replies regarding your giveaways- you have a keen eye, the art work is beautiful, the bejeweled green color is perfect and so much like the green of Eire. (I am a public school art teacher!) I have one above my door that I made from rushes from a river near my school and have made many of the pipe cleaner lesson you shared with my school children over the years. Thanks for all
you do!
Carissa Sullivan
I have really enjoyed learning more and more about my heritage through your posts. And all the recipes too 😁. Thank you for sharing with us.
Irish American Mom
Hi Carissa - Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Mary Ann
When my siblings visited Ireland in 2013, we were intrigued by the Irish and their devotion to Saint Brigid. We brought back several of the crosses as gifts and mine hangs above our front door. My husband says a daily novena in honor of St. Brigid.
What a beautiful story.
Thank you for sharing.
God Bless!
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary Ann - When you travel off the heavily beaten tourist track in Ireland you discover our hidden gems like Saint Brigid's wells and grottos found all over the country. She left her mark for sure, and her legacy continues to this day. I hope this devotion to our patron saint survives the current evolution and spiritual transformation that is happening in Ireland. I am confident that it will. Her legacy will live on for centuries to come. Lovely to hear you brought back some Saint Brigid's crosses and that your husband continues to pray to her every day.
Best wishes,
Irish American Mom
Hi Molly – I am so grateful to all of the readers of my blog who join in our discussions through these comments. I’ve heard many bloggers are turning off the comment sections on their blogs because they believe comments take too much time. I was so disappointed when I read this, since I think the comments are the very best part of my blog. I love how people share their family connections with Ireland, and create a sense of community here, through comments. Long live the comment section in my corner of the internet.
I’m so glad to hear you like this artwork, and that is high praise from an art teacher. I’m also happy to hear you shared my ‘Pipe Cleaner Saint Brigid’s Cross Tutorial’ with your students. It’s a simple and effective way to continue our Irish traditions. I love crafts with cultural significance, and I am planning a few more craft tutorials for the coming weeks, in the run up to Saint Patrick’s Day.
Thanks for stopping by to support our little giveaway.
Best wishes,
Elaine Cobb
Thank you for the story of St. Brigid. I love to learn about Ireland. My Mother’s family has roots there. It’s a fascinating and beautiful country.
Gale O'Neal
I enjoyed the story of St. Brigid. I always learn something new from your blog! Stay healthy!
Irish American Mom
Hi Gale - Stay well too. Thanks for reading my ramblings,
All the best,
Sue Earnest
Thanks for the history lesson on St. Brigid. Need to reread your post to see what the Irish do on St. Brigid’s day.
Irish American Mom
Hi Sue - Thanks for reading my ramblings, and for supporting my blog and giveaways.
All the best,
Irish American Mom
Hi Elaine - Thanks for being such a loyal reader and for sharing your family's connections with Ireland.
All the best,
I do have fond memories of my father teaching me how to make St. Brigid crosses out of rushes.
I actually still have somewhere in the house the St Brigids Cross I made in school many years ago!!!
Irish American Mom
Hi Sandra - Lovely to hear you have a Saint Brigid's Cross in your home.
Thanks for stopping by.
Best wishes,
Hi Mairead! I don't know if you remember me from a few years back, I had a blog called "Gram-cracker & we've spoken thru comments a few times! Anyway, I'm happy to see you're still blogging! Take care!
Irish American Mom
Hi there Lori - Lovely to reconnect virtually. I sure do remember your blog - it was wonderful, witty, heartfelt, and thoroughly entertaining. I was so disappointed when you decided to stop blogging. As you can see, I'm still sharing my recipes and ramblings about Ireland. This ol' blog of mine started as a hobby, and has grown slowly but surely. Most bloggers have viral posts, and become overnight blogging wonders, but no such story here. I just plod on, posting stories from time to time, and people find this little corner of the world - nothing viral around here, and in today's world that's a good thing. I'm trying to keep up with all that blogging involves. It's a technical jungle, but I'm still posting away, with a little help from a tech guy when I run in to difficulties. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment to reconnect. I really appreciate it.
Best wishes,
Colleen Farrell Vines
I love learning so much about my Irish roots from your blog. The stories, photos and recipes are fascinating, beautiful and delicious! Thank you!
Irish American Mom
Hi Colleen - I’m so happy to hear you enjoy my recipes and ramblings, and the little snippets of Irish history I love to share. Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Irish American Mom
Hi Maurice - I'm so glad this post brought back warm childhood memories for you. Thanks for being such a loyal reader.
All the best,
Ginger Veach
Thanks Mairead for the giveaway and the interesting story of Saint Brigid. It makes me want to read more about her. What a fascinating person.
Noreen Rafferty
I enjoyed this insight and info on St. Brigid. Thoroughly entertaining and informative. I love the infprovided.
Noreen and Flgeorge
Irish American Mom
Hi Noreen - Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Irish American Mom
Hi Ginger - Thanks for being such a loyal reader.
All the best,
I love the history of ST.Brigid. This is a generous giveaway. Thank you
Irish American Mom
Hi Joan - Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway. I'm delighted to be able to sponsor this giveaway through the revenues generated through advertising on my blog. I plan to continuously give back to our community who make this little corner of the internet possible.
Best wishes,
Cat McCormick
Oh Mam my blessed mother Bridget, your cross always hangs above my door, it was blessed by the bishop in Tuam. Thank you for all the things ye taught us, we miss ye so.
Irish American Mom
Hi Cat - Blessings to you and your family. Your mother is looking down on you from Heaven and smiling. She will always be with you, and I'm so glad today's post brought back precious memories of your beloved mother. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your beautiful tribute to your Mam.
Best wishes,
To me she is such a wonderful saint. Here is another prayer. Saint Brigid. I have been looking for something to bless my home with. Unfortunately, it is true that many only think of St. Patrick, and she is often overlooked, when people are researching. Thank you for bringing her up and sharing a bit about her.
The prayer:
You were a woman of peace.
You brought harmony where there was conflict.
You brought light to the darkness.
You brought hope to the downcast.
May the mantle of your peace cover those who are troubled and anxious, and may peace be firmly rooted in our hearts and in our world.
Inspire us to act justly and to reverence all God has made.
Brigid you were a voice for the wounded and the weary.
Strengthen what is weak within us.
Calm us into a quietness that heals and listens.
May we grow each day into greater wholeness in mind, body and spirit.
Jennifer Walsh
Lovely prayer. Thank you for sharing. Jennifer
Irish American Mom
I'm so glad you liked the prayer Dominique shared. It is truly beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Irish American Mom
Hi Dominique - Thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer to Saint Brigid with us here in our Irish American community. It is a beautiful tribute to our patron saint, whom we all hold dear, and a prayer that is so meaningful in our suffering world today.
Best wishes,
Sharon Northup
I did not know anything about St Brigid before reading this email. I am so impressed and in love with St Brigid now! What a wonderful saint she was! I love this and would proudly display this in my home.
Jill mcdonald
Very interesting reading about saint Brigid. Thank you!!
Irish American Mom
Hi Jill - Best of luck in our giveaway.
Take care,
Irish American Mom
Hi Sharon - I'm so glad my post today introduced you to one of Ireland's most important saints. Her legacy continues to this very day. Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Peggy D
Great history and beautiful print. Thank you for offering the give away.
Irish American Mom
Hi Peggy - Thanks for reading my ramblings,
All the best,
Bonnie Ryan Sauter
I would be so very happy to display a piece of my soul’s home at the entranceway of my home. St. Brigid holds a special place close to my heart. 💚
Irish American Mom
Hi Bonnie - I love how you call Ireland your "soul's home." I often refer to Ireland as my spiritual home, and I too often pray in my heart to Saint Brigid. Thanks so much for reading my ramblings,
All the best,
Diane Deedy-Ruff
I love learning about Ireland’s History, it touches my heart & soul.
Irish American Mom
Hi Diane - I'm so glad you enjoy the snippets of Irish history I love to share, and that they help you to feel connected to Ireland.
All the best,
Alicia H
I love reading about Saint Brigid. She was a remarkable woman. I was thrilled when my youngest daughter chose St Brigid as her patron saint for Confirmation
Irish American Mom
Hi Alicia - A number of readers have mentioned that their daughters took the name Brigid as their Confirmation name. It does my heart good to know that our traditions are continuing through the next generations.
All the best,
Doreen Kelleher
My Aunt in Ireland celebrates St. Bridget's Day and we always correspond on Feb. 1. Thank you for considering me for this lovely reminder.
Irish American Mom
Hi Doreen - It's lovely to hear you connect with your Irish aunt on Saint Brigid's Day. What a wonderful tradition, and simple way to honor our patron saint. Brigid believed in the power of human connection and kindness and your conversation with your aunt on her feast day is a fitting tribute to a kind hearted Irish woman and saint.
All the best,
Raylene Quaney
I believe with out a doubt that St Brigid is my favorite Saint of all. I love her story and the history of her cross which is my favorite little piece of Ireland that I brought back with me when my 95 year old mother (at the time) took my sister and I there in 2008 for the trip of a lifetime. Our church hall is named for St Brigid.
Irish American Mom
Hi Raylene - It sounds like your mother took after Saint Brigid showing strength of mind and body to travel to Ireland in her nineties. What a wonderful occasion that must have been, and thank you for sharing such an amazing story and family memory with us here. It sounds like your mother was a strong and determined Irish woman. I'm delighted to hear you brought back a Saint Brigid's Cross as a souvenir from Ireland. They are such culturally significant gifts.
I'm so glad you enjoy the snippets of Irish history I love to share, and that they help you to feel connected to Ireland.
All the best,
Nancy Dionne
I have learned so much from your blog. My mom was from Ballymena NI. I grew up with a lot of Irish traditions and food.
I wish she was still here for me to talk to. I have so many questions I never asked. Sad . However I look forward to reading your blog and all the information.
Irish American Mom
Hi Nancy - I'm so happy you found this little corner of the internet to help you explore and celebrate your Irish heritage. I think many readers can relate to your story of feeling connected to our ancestral land, but never having the time to discover the meaning of our heritage until after our loved one's have passed. I think that's why I so enjoy the comment section of this blog where people share their family stories and connections to Ireland. Many thanks also for following my ramblings and joining in our discussions about all things Irish. I really appreciate your support and I hope my blog will strengthen your understanding of your cultural inheritance.
Best wishes,
Jackie Mills
Mairead your blog is wonderful I always look forward to it.
Ellen Snowdon
Mairead, Thank you for your blog. It is always interesting and solves my desire for more about Ireland. All my grandparents were from there. My husband was born & educated in Kildare & we visited there many times. The story of St. Brigid was one he always enjoyed telling. Personally, I think there should be more women bishops just like Brigid!
Irish American Mom
Hi Ellen - I agree with you about Saint Brigid and our need for more female bishops just like her. It might seem radical to many, but I think we need to have more community input in our spiritual lives. Rigidity to old rules is not the way forward. Open-hearted kindness and love is the only way forward, but I do believe God will guide us to a much better future. Thanks for your kind words about my blog. I'm so happy my ramblings help you feel connected to Ireland, the land of your ancestors and your husband's homeland. I truly appreciate all your support. Best of luck in our giveaway.
Take care,
Irish American Mom
Hi Jackie - Thanks for your kind words about my blog and thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Thank you for thinking of this giveaway item; it looks beautiful!
Irish American Mom
Hi Karen - I'm so glad you like this prize. . I really appreciate all of the readers who stop by this little corner of the internet to support our giveaways and stories of Ireland.
All the best,
Sinead Byrne
What beautiful artwork and Blessing for our loved ones as they come and go, a special tribute to St. Brigid on her Feast Day!
Irish American Mom
Hi Sinead - Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Nancy Sujeta
Thanks for the explaination of St Brigid. Cross and frame are beautiful.
Irish American Mom
Hi Nancy - I'm so glad you like this piece of artwork. Thanks for stopping by.
Best wishes,
I love the Irish recipes and stories you share.
Irish American Mom
Hi Roberta - Thanks so much for following my recipes and ramblings.
All the best,
Anne Herridge
Loved reading about St Brigid! I had read about her before but really enjoyed learning more. What a lovely blessing!
Maria Babich
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! That is a beautiful prize! The story of Brigid is very inspirational. She exemplified the best humanity can be. Love her! I’m buying that picture if I don’t win it.
Irish American Mom
Hi Maria - I'm so glad you like this artwork and dedication to Saint Brigid. I think it's a lovely piece too. Best of luck in our giveaway.
Take care,
Irish American Mom
Hi Anne - I'm delighted this post introduced you to a little new information about our wonderful saint. Thanks so much for following my recipes and ramblings.
All the best,
Ursula Johnston
I would love to win this so I could give it to my daughter to hang in her new home. Her birthday is February 1, and she and my son-in-law love to visit Ireland, so it seems especially appropriate. Thank you for this giveaway!
Irish American Mom
Hi Ursula - This piece of art does seem especially appropriate as a gift for your daughter who shares her birthday with Saint Brigid's feast day. Thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings about Ireland's wonderful female patron saint. Best of luck in our giveaway.
Take care,
Pat Connor Lano
Thank you fo the bio of St Brigid. I love all your articles and have been to Ireland three times.
Question: is Bridie (sp?) a nick name for Brigid?
Irish American Mom
Hi Pat - Bridie is a shortened form of Brigid. It is used quite a bit in the west of Ireland, in the Gaeltacht or Irish speaking parts of the country. In the Irish language Saint Brigid is called Naomh Bríde (pronounced Nave Bree-ja). The name Bridie is an anglicized version of Bríde. Thanks for being such a loyal reader.
All the best,
What an amazing woman Saint Brigid was! We were just reading The Life of Saint Brigid by Meyer and Lynch. I love the miracle of her cloak, how she cared so much about animals, and always wanted to fill the needs of those with so little. I'm glad she is remembered and honored for her kindness and generosity.
Irish American Mom
Hi Lynn - I think we can dedicate many more blog posts to the stories of Saint Brigid in the months and years to come, here on Irish American Mom. I'm so glad to learn that you too admire this amazing Irish saint, and have spent time researching her life. Thanks for following my recipes and ramblings.
All the best,
Brian Groves
Thank you so much for the Irish history lessons. It is great to know that i now have a source from which to learn the history of the land, of the people and I can even make the food that my ancestors used to make. I look forward to your blogs so I can learn more about my people.
Irish American Mom
Hi Brian - I'm so glad you enjoy my ramblings and little Irish history lessons, which I truly love to share. It's lovely to know they help you to feel connected to Ireland and your people.
All the best,
As a little girl growing up on a Bluegrass farm, there never was a time when I did not know about Brigid. There are always girls in our family named Brigid. The funniest thing is a “tradition” of February first and second birthdays . Lots of family members and ancestors shared this birthday, in this generation, our younger son was born on February second.
My great-grandfathers and Papa Shannon (paternal grandfather) raised sheep and told us stories of how lambs were often born in the snow and cold, the mother’s sheep’s milk being a sign of Brigid’s Day. We had bonfires and checked the ashes in the morning to look for signs that Brigid had stopped by. There were many more stories and traditions too.
This blog is such a joy.
Irish American Mom
Hi Jennifer - Thank you for stopping by to share your family stories about growing up in the Bluegrass State with Irish roots. I can relate to that, since three of my children were born in Louisville. My husband's family have many February birthdays, and it seems like February 1st was a very significant birthday in your family too.
Your grandfather Shannon sounds like such a joy and a man who held deep pride in his Irish roots. Stories of farm life and nature are such an important theme in our Irish heritage and it's wonderful to know our stories continued to be shared in your family through the generations. Thank you so much for sharing your warm childhood memories. I'm so glad you enjoy my ramblings and recipes, which I truly love to share.
All the best,
That a beautiful piece to giveaway. Am envisioning where I’d place it if I were to win.
Irish American Mom
Hi Colleen - Best of luck in our giveaway.
Take care,
John Ongena
Thank you for your time and consideration to share the wonderful history of Ireland and all that Ireland is noted for and about.
Irish American Mom
Hi John - And thank you for choosing to celebrate your Irish heritage by following my recipes and ramblings. I really appreciate it.
Best wishes,
Brigid O'Hara Koshko
I am honored to be named after such an amazing woman. I enjoyed reading your post about her life and works.
John McKenney
We just made our first Brigid crosses last night! Thanks for all the great recipes, stories and musings, Mairéad. Love to read about them.
Irish American Mom
Hi John - Lovely to hear you made your first Saint Brigid's crosses last night. What a wonderful way to celebrate your Irish heritage.
All the best,
Irish American Mom
Hi Brigid - I'm so glad you're proud of your Irish name and the wonderful saint after whom you're named.
Best wishes,
Laura Nasiatka
Thank you so much for your website and all the great things you share with us!
Irish American Mom
Hi Laura - Thanks for your kind words about my website, and thanks for stopping by.
Best wishes,
Once I learned about St. Brigid I loved everything about her story. I have always said if I were to ever have a daughter I would name her after St. Brigid.
Irish American Mom
Hi Meghan - It's wonderful to hear you would like to continue the tradition of using Irish saint's names when christening our little ones. Thanks for stopping by.
Best wishes,
I loved hearing this information about Saint Brigid! I had no idea!
Irish American Mom
Hi Eileen - I'm so glad this post could introduce you to this amazing Irish woman and saint. Thanks for stopping by.
Best wishes,
I chose Bridget for my confirmation name, after my Grandmother. I loved reading the history of Brigid and learning so much of why my Grandmother was given such a special name. Thank you!
Irish American Mom
Hi Patty - It's lovely to know this post brought back warm memories of your grandmother, and why she was named after Ireland's beloved saint. Thanks for stopping by to support this little giveaway. This blessing would be a perfect tribute to your grandmother.
Best wishes,
April A Bright Watson
I found out that my mother's side of the family came from Ireland and Scotland on her father's side, so your emails brings me closer to my Irish Heritage. Love the history and all the information you share. So, thank you for doing what you do.
Irish American Mom
Hi April - Thanks for being such a loyal reader and for sharing your family's connections with Ireland and Scotland. I'm so glad you appreciate the bits and pieces about Ireland and the Irish that I share.
All the best,
Karen Carey
Very interesting read. I knew a bit about St. Brigid but didn’t realize her extreme generosity. Thank you for sharing more details about her life as it gives more meaning to the cross hung above our door.
Irish American Mom
Hi Karen - Lovely to hear you too have a Saint Brigid's cross beside your door. Thanks for checking out my story today about her generosity and kind hearted ways. She is an inspiration for us all. Thanks for being such a loyal reader.
All the best,
Kathryn Dunne
Thank you for posting this. The artwork is beautiful.
Irish American Mom
Hi Kathryn - Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Linda Antunes
Thank you for story of Saint Brigid.I love reading your post about Ireland and I use alot of your recipes. My husband was from Portugal so it was interesting to read about the three Knights. Once again thank you.
Irish American Mom
Hi Linda - I'm so glad you enjoyed reading about Saint Brigid's links to Portugal. My parents were married in the Church in Killester in Dublin where the relic brought back from Portugal is now housed. I actually went to school in Saint Brigid's Primary School in Killester. Thanks for following my recipes and ramblings. I truly appreciate all yoru support.
Best wishes,
Shannon Lehn
Thank you so much! I appreciate all of the content you share 🙂
Irish American Mom
Hi Shannon - That's wonderful to hear. Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Hail Brigid
Irish American Mom
Hear, hear. Thanks for stopping by, Temperance, to support this little giveaway.
Best wishes,
Betty Bender
What a lovely post, thank you so much. My grandfather who came from Ireland died when my mother was 6 years old, so we know little about our heritage. On vacation, when travelling was easy, I went to Galway to learn what I could. I love going off season, and walking through churches and graveyards, wandering in and out of the little shops.
I have attempted to learn the language, and will get back to it next year when I retire. I will definitely now be sure to honor St Brigid on her feast day every year.
Slan go Foill,
Irish American Mom
Hi Betty - It's lovely to hear you are delving into your Irish heritage and exploring our language and all that our Irish culture means. I agree with you about traveling to Ireland off season. I highly recommend getting off the beaten track and exploring the highways and byways of Ireland. Little villages, church yards, historical sites, and simply old ruins have so many hidden stories and many can turn out to be a thin or spiritual place. I'm so glad you have gone in search of Ireland's hidden gems. Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Kimberly Shepard
Thank you for the fascinating post. I am so proud of the Irish part of my ancestry, & I would love to hang this art in my home.
Irish American Mom
Hi Kimberly - It's lovely to know you're proud of your Irish heritage. Thanks for checking out my ramblings and for exploring our ancestral cultural inheritance here in our Irish American community.
Best wishes,
Patricia Coyne
Love the story of St. Brigid. Thanks for sharing! Love this site and all the sharing. Stay safe and well everyone!
Irish American Mom
Hi Patricia - Thanks for your kind words about my website, and thanks for stopping by.
Best wishes,
Thank you for a lovely story. I appreciate getting a chance to win this. Thank you and have a wonderful week. Stay safe.
Irish American Mom
Hi Tracy - I love prizes with cultural significance and this one is perfect for February 1st. Thanks for supporting our little giveaway.
Best wishes, and stay safe and well too.
Karen D
Absolutely beautiuful! Fingers crossed!
Irish American Mom
Hi Karen - So glad you like this prize. Best of luck in our giveaway.
Take care,
Katherine Dugan Pickens
I love reading about my heritage, my four grandparents came to the USA in the late 1800,s and I didn't get enough history from them, so all the stories and history that I can get ahold of
I truly enjoy. I have St Brigid cross that my nephew brought my from Ireland, I love it, I would love to have the framed one. I will say a prayer to St Brigid.
Irish American Mom
Hi Katherine - Thanks for being such a loyal reader and for sharing your family's connections with Ireland. It's lovely to hear your nephew gifted you a Saint Brigid's Cross upon his return from a trip to Ireland.
All the best,
Thank you for this giveaway.
Irish American Mom
Hi Peg - Thanks for reading my ramblings,
All the best,
Anita Carol Gambrell
I enjoy your blog so very much. This story is beautiful, thank you!
Irish American Mom
Hi Anita - Thanks for stopping by to support our giveaway and to learn about Saint Brigid.
All the best,
Irish American Mom
Hi Anita - I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my recipes and ramblings. Thanks for stopping by to support this giveaway.
Best wishes,
Colleen Elizabeth Cassidy
Thank you for everything you do. l While my roots are not 100% Irish I'm pretty close and I identify as Irish. I am a 2nd generation American. My maternal and paternal Irish genes are on complete opposite ends of Ireland. Maternal come from Wicklow, paternal Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Talk about being conflicted! Good thing I am Libra and can balance the scales. I can't wait until this pandemic is over so I can go back to the place I love 💕 most. Thank you for the recipes & keep them coming. Just know that everything you do is appreciated.
Irish American Mom
Hi Colleen - I too balance those Libra scales, always loving peace and harmony. I'm so glad you enjoy my ramblings and recipes. It's wonderful to connect with readers who love Ireland as much as I do. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your family connections with Ireland.
Best wishes,
I always loved that Saint Brigid's day was so close to my birthday and that we shared the same name.
Irish American Mom
Hi Bridget - Lovely to learn that you too were named after Ireland's patron saint. Thanks for stopping by to support our giveaway.
All the best,
Betty Magennis
Such a wonderful picture and I love the story of St. Brigid. Your website is amazing and I enjoy receiving the emails from you. Thank you!!
Irish American Mom
Hi Betty - I'm delighted to hear you enjoy receiving my emails. Thanks for being such a loyal reader. Best of luck in our giveaway.
All the best,