Soul of Skellig: A Celebration of the Skellig Islands through Poems, Prayers and Blessings, is a beautiful new book by poet and devotional writer Anne Herridge.
Anne is a reader of Irish American Mom and she has graciously shared a copy of this lovely book as a prize for one lucky reader to win.
But before I share details of the giveaway, let's first explore this exceptional book of poetry.

Table of Contents
A Book of Poetry About The Skellig Islands
This collection of poems and blessings is truly a celebration of the Skellig Islands, which lie off the coast of County Kerry in the southwest of Ireland.
Skellig Michael, the largest of the islands, is a magical, mysterious and mystical place. It boasts a long history, and was once inhabited by monks, who built a monastery on its steep rocky slopes.
We previously explored the history of these incredible islands, in a post I wrote about Skellig Michael and featuring lovely photos submitted by another wonderful reader of Irish American Mom.
These remote islands in the Atlantic ocean have intrigued visitors and pilgrims for centuries. A deep spiritual presence can still be witnessed and experienced on these rocky islands.

In this book the poet, Anne Herridge, takes the reader on a journey to this secluded and isolated place, bringing the mystery and peace of this magnificent place to life through the written word.
The wonder and awe of nature in all its glory is celebrated in these poems. She shows deep respect and admiration for the dedication and faith of the monks who built their monastery in one of the most challenging and isolated places on earth.
The wildlife, birds, flora, fauna and marine life of these islands, on the very western edge of Europe, are all revered and honored through the beautiful words of the poems in this anthology.
Anne's words capture the spiritual soul of Skellig.
Here are a few excerpts from her work.

Soul of Skellig
Lonely, luminous, alluring
Perhaps a mesmerizing mirage of mist.
Unearthly, unfathomable, unparalleled
On horizon's haunting seascape.
Enthralling, enduring, exhiliarating,
A cathedral caught in incandescent cloud,
Imposing, inspiring, inexpressible,
Spires stretching skyward into spangled sunlight.
© Anne Herridge 2020

Staircase to Heaven
Narrow trail which curves and climbs above grey Atlantic scarf,
Twisting staircase pushing up the steepened skyward path,
Where oratory which views the world exudes a reverent peace,
A hand carved cross and drystone rock, its only altarpiece.
Silence reigns up on the peak, apart from whispered breeze.
Sea's breath below a distant hush as white waves swell and heave.
Here the sense of sanctity and holiness remains,
Here a light tread greets the soul, it's here that heaven reigns.
© Anne Herridge 2020

Spirit of Peace
Place of peace
Place of blessing,
Here where a thousand generations sought solitude,
The spirit of peace reigns
Home of order
Home of harmony,
Here where holy hands laboured through history,
The spirit of strength prevails
Place of prayer
Place of petition,
Here where the penitent knelt for centuries,
The spirit of devotion whispers
Pinnacle of praise
Protector of priests,
Here where sacred songs echoed through the ages,
The spirit of worship resounds
Here where the spirit of peace reigns.
© Anne Herridge 2020

Translation Into Irish
Anne requested my help with translating the poem above into the Irish language. I enlisted the help of my aunt Máire, who is a native Irish speaker from Connemara, to make sure the translations were gramatically correct.
She helped translate three poems in the book.
Here is how Spirit of Peace sounds in Irish...
Spiorad Na Síochána
Áit shíochánta
Áit na mbeannacht,
Anseo, áit ar lorg míle glúin sólás,
Rialaíonn spiorad na síochána.
Áras eagraithe,
Áras suaimhneach,
Anseo áit ar oibrigh lámha naomha le chéile tríd an stair,
Bíonn spiorad an nirt faoi réim.
Ionad urnaí,
Ionad achainí,
Anseo, áit a raibh an taithríoch ar a ghlúine tríd na haoiseanna,
Spiorad na deabhóide ag cogarnaíl.
Buaic na moladh,
Cumhdach na sagairt,
Anseo, an áit a raibh amhráin naofa ag macalla tríd na haoiseanna,
Bloscann spioraid na hadhradha.
Anseo, áit ina bhfuil spiorad na síochána faoi réim.
You can listen to this poem recited in Irish here...

Where To Purchase Soul of Skellig
Anne was born and raised in England, but she moved to Canada in 2004.
She began writing at the early age of nine, and hasn't stopped since.
She is the author of ‘God’s Love for You” which was published in 2010, and she recently published this beautiful collection of poems ‘Soul of Skellig.’
You can read about her inspirations for this book on her website, Anne Herridge.
Her book can be purchased through Amazon.
The Giveaway
One lucky reader will win copy of Soul of Skellig, by Anne Herridge.
To enter simply leave a comment on this blog post by noon Eastern Time on Saturday, October 16th, 2021.
Any comment will do. What you write does not affect your chance of winning, but if you need inspiration why not tell us if you have ever visited the Skellig Islands in Ireland or any of Ireland's coastal islands.
A winning comment will be chosen randomly. Remember to leave your e-mail so that I can contact you should you win. Your e-mail won’t be published, just used to contact our lucky contestant for mailing of the prize.
The winner will be announced on Saturday, October 16th, 2021, at the bottom of this blog post.
You may check out Irish American Mom’s complete terms and conditions for sweepstakes’ entries here.
Thank you to all who support this giveaway and share it with family and friends.
Update - Winner Chosen
Our winner has been randomly chosen using the Pick Giveaway Winner Plug-in for WordPress.
And the lucky reader is ….
Mary Dineen Stegemiller
I’ll send an email to arrange mailing of her prize. A big thank you to everyone for supporting this giveaway by leaving comments.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every comment.
If you like poetry, and especially Irish poetry here are some ramblings you might enjoy...
The Poetry of Joan Cusack Handler
Finnegan's Wake with an Apostrophe
Happy reading to all.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Jane Sherry
I’ve never been to the islands! I do so enjoy your blog and am sincerely hoping to win the drawing!
Thank you!
Irish American Mom
Hi Jane - Thanks for your kind words about my blog and for supporting our giveaway.
And thank you for following my recipes and ramblings. I really appreciate it.
Best wishes,
I'm not big on poetry, but the Skellig Islands are beautiful. It was really beautiful to hear the one poem read in Irish!
Irish American Mom
Hi Jeff - I'm so glad you enjoyed listening to that one poem in Irish. Thanks for stopping by.
Best wishes,
Merryellen Towey Schulz
I did take the heart-stopping and breathtaking boat ride out to Skelig Michael three years ago with my son, his wife, and almost 2 year old daughter. It was amazing. The poetry definitely captures the beauty of the islands. I studied Irish Gaelic during the lockdown and can read some of the poetry in the language.😊I would love to win the book.
Irish American Mom
Hi Merryellen - Well done on making the effort to learn Irish during the lockdown. That's wonderful. Lovely to hear you were blessed to visit Skellig Michael with your family - a trip of a lifetime.
Best wishes,
Lori Cassels
Closest I've been to Skellig is Dingle and I plan to visit the next time I get to Ireland. It looks lovely and the poems that were shared were wonderful.
Irish American Mom
Hi Lori - Dingle is such a lovely place to visit. So glad you've been lucky enough to visit Ireland.
Best wishes,
Rahab Rice
Absolutely beautiful! I was born in Ireland and Ann’s poetry speaks to my heart.
Mary Dineen Stegemiller
Her poetry brings peace to the soul.
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - Thanks so much for following my recipes and ramblings, and for supporting this giveaway.
All the best,
Irish American Mom
Hi Rahab - This poetry is perfect for you, especially since you were born in Ireland.
Best wishes,
Mary Ann
Beautiful! Love poetry, brings a tear to my eye!
Have a great week! Love seeing you in my inbox!
MaryPat Tierney
Love this poetry and everything about Ireland. It call to my soul. Thank you for sharing your talent. Can’t wait to go back as it always feels like home.
MaryPat Tierney
Irish American Mom
Hi MaryPat - Lovely to hear that Ireland feels like home for you. Hope it won't be long before you make it back there.
All the best,
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary Ann - Lovely to hear you are a fan of poetry. And thank you for choosing to celebrate your Irish heritage by following my recipes and ramblings. I really appreciate it.
Best wishes,
The pictures of the island are so intriguing and beautiful. I loved hearing, "The Spirit of Peace" in Irish.
Susan R
I hope to visit Ireland soon, the book sounds amazing!
Irish American Mom
Hi Susan - Thanks for reading my ramblings,
All the best,
Irish American Mom
Hi Donna - I'm so glad you like Anne's poetry and my recitation of one poem in Irish. Thanks so much for supporting our little giveaway.
All the best,
L Huenink
Missed going to Skellig Island in 2019, but plan to visit there when I return.
Irish American Mom
Hi there - I hope you make it to the Skellig on your next trip to Ireland. Best of luck in our giveaway.
Take care,
Brenda Fitzgerald
My dream is to visit Ireland someday
Alice Morrison
Please don't put it off any longer than you have to. You will not be dissappointed. We visited Ireland a few years ago and enjoyed every minute. It is so beautiful and the people are so very friendly. Weather was great and every place we stayed was perfect. Go!! and Enjoy!!!
Irish American Mom
Hi Alice - Lovely to hear you had such a wonderful trip to Ireland, and thanks for encouraging others to take the trip.
All the best,
Irish American Mom
Hi Brenda - I hope you make it to Ireland someday soon. Best of luck in our giveaway.
Take care,
Bridget Gallagher
Skellig Michael has held wonder for me ever since I first learned if its existence. I have been blessed to travel the US, a few Virgin Islands, Canada, Germany, Italy, France, and Wales. Ireland has looooong been on my Wish List as have Scotland and England, the birthplace of my great grandfather. This seemingly amazing poetry book looks to give a spiritual insight into the magical island and its beauty. Thanks for offering the information and the book!
Irish American Mom
Hi Bridget - You have traveled quite extensively, and I do hope you make it to Ireland someday soon. Lovely to hear you too are intrigued by Skellig Michael.
All the best,
Erika Rivertree
Hi Irish American Mom! Your blog is so delightful, it quickly became one of my faves! I would love to win this lovely book of poetry. 🙂
Irish American Mom
Hi Erika - Thanks for being such a loyal reader.
All the best,
Chris Caughey
Would love to receive this book as a poetry lover!
Irish American Mom
Hi Chris - It sounds like this little book of poetry would be a perfect prize for you.
All the best,
Wanda Stone
Sounds interesting
Irish American Mom
Hi Wanda - Thanks for stopping by.
Best wishes,
Kathleen Dillon
The world's more full of weeping, than you can understand.
Irish American Mom
Beautiful words from Yeats, Kathleen. Thanks for stopping by.
Best wishes,
John Ongena
Sounds like an amazing read
Irish American Mom
Hi John - Best of luck in our giveaway.
Take care,
Colleen Miner
We visited The Skellig Experience but weather was not conducive to us traveling to Skellig Michael. My husband loved the experience and has the green Skellig sticker on his guitar case. We plan to return some day. He would appreciate this book for sure. Thank you!
Irish American Mom
Hi Colleen - Lovely to hear you got to visit the Skellig Experience. This little book of poetry is now available in their book shop.
All the best,
Angela Dougherty-Way
How wonderful that you worked together on this book! I didn't know much about the island until now. Had to dig in and read about it. What wonderful poetry you could write on it. Very excited to be in the drawing and if not a winner know about it and add it to my Christmas list for my family!
Irish American Mom
Hi Angela - I'm so glad this post could introduce you to the amazing history of the Skellig islands. Ireland is so full of history and interesting tourist sites.
All the best,
Stephanie Harris Fink
I've never been to Ireland, but it's a true bucket list item. I'd love to trace my family's heritage back & visit a piece of history. I enjoy reading & learning from your blog. Thanks for sharing bits of Ireland with us!
Irish American Mom
Hi Stephanie - Thanks so much for following my recipes and ramblings and for your kind words about my blog.
All the best,
Karen B O'Brien
The boat trip to the Skelligs is the only thing on my wish list for our next trip to Ireland. I know my fellow travelers will have us going to lots of interesting and fun places but for me it’s the trip out to the Skelligs! My thinking is ~ how can we not go if it’s the only place on my list!
Thank you for your blog and all the fun giveaways.
Irish American Mom
Hi Karen - I hope you get to see the Skelligs on your next trip and get to climb those amazing steps carved out of rock by the monks in years gone by. Many thanks for stopping by.
All the best,
Thank you for the chance to win thi beautiful book.
Irish American Mom
And thank you Marion for entering our giveaway. I really appreciate all your support.
All the best,
This is a beautiful book and wpould love to win it.
Irish American Mom
Best of luck in our giveaway, Marilyn. Thanks for visiting.
All the best,
I love poetry and would like to add this book to my collection.
Irish American Mom
Hi Joan - Thanks for stopping by to support our giveaway. As a poetry lover this book would be perfect for you.
All the best,
Mary Sullivan
The poems are beautiful. I've had reservations to go to Skellig Michael, but the weather has not cooperated yet and the trips were cancelled due to high seas. I'll get there sometime.
Irish American Mom
Hi Mary - Trips to the Skelligs are very weather dependent. I wouldn't like to be out on the island on a wet and windy day. It's amazing how the monks lived there in all kinds of weather in years gone by.
All the best,
Rebecca Mills
I was only able to view the islands from a distance when touring Ireland in 2019. I would love this book of poetry and pictures!
Rebecca Mills
Irish American Mom
Hi Rebecca - Lovely to hear you've made it to Ireland and got to see the islands in the distance.
All the best,