Thatched Cottages are important symbols of Ireland. Staying in a thatched cottage in Ireland offers tourists an amazing opportunity to experience a bygone era.
Today let's explore the magic of staying in a thatched cottage.

Today's blog post is a photo tour of one such cottage in County Galway, inviting you to enter into the world of a bygone era.
As you read, why not imagine yourself sitting back, relaxing and warming your toes by a blazing fire, and savoring the old world charm of its welcoming atmosphere.
Table of Contents
How Our Ancestors Lived in Rural Ireland
Beneath that cozy thatched roof, personal stories may simmer, helping you discover who you are, where you came from, what life means, and how you wish to define it.
Living as our ancestors lived before us is an experience to be remembered for a lifetime (even if a few extra modern amenities make our stay a little less burdensome than in years gone by).

Surrounded by these walls, history and identity converge.
The power of a thatched house to overwhelm you with emotion may be surprising.
The simplicity of its design stands in stark contrast to the space and extravagance of our homes today.

Thatched cottages are enduring symbols of the people of Ireland. Generations may have come and gone, by the time an immigrant's descendant returns to Ireland.
But each individual journey marks the distances we have traveled. By staying in a thatched cottage the circle is completed.
As you peer through a cottage window your soul finds comfort in the peaceful setting, a heightened awareness of ancestral memories, and a powerful connection with the past.

A winding, country road (or boreen as we say in Ireland) brings the vacationer off the beaten track, through rugged countryside as far as the eye can see, only to find a truly idyllic escape from the real world

White-washed pillars and swinging wrought iron gates hold their own special charm.
House walls and pillars are built of stacked stones of every shape and size, meticulously fitted together like a jig-saw puzzle. These old stones have withstood the test of time.
Mortared with a wet earthen mixture, the exterior is covered with a layer of plaster, before a final coat of white-wash.

Homes from the Past
Acquiring land and a thatched cottage was a major achievement for the Irishman of the 19th century. Few ever experienced the joy of owning the house they built with their bare hands. The land could never be theirs.
Despite their loving labor, their homes remained the property of their landlord, with rent due for the land on which it was built, every six months.
Here is a passage from a novel I am currently working on, describing one Irishman's pride in his humble home.
Set at the time of the Great Hunger (1845-50), this book tells the story of Noreen and Connor. Here he inspects his thatched cottage before heading towards town to pay his rent:
"Striding purposefully out of the yard, with Noreen by his side, Connor turned to look back at his property. The white washed cottage wore its sunny, straw bonnet of thatch, smiling happily at the world. Newly planted rose bushes clung lovingly to the white walls, eager to ramble further once spring arrived. It was a pretty house, filling his heart with pride. A contented smile broadened his lips....

.... Behind the house, neat, fields spread in a glorious patchwork to the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. The familiar vista made his heart sing. His eyes swept across the fields to the verge, where the eye perceived land and ocean met. Grass grew lush in the constant rain. Nettles adopted a deep green hue nodding under the weight of rain droplets. He turned to his wife with a look of pride in his achievement...."

If walls could talk, boy would these sheltering stones have stories to tell.
There are few old hearths in Ireland where our ancestors did not gather, to tell tall tales and to hear stories about family, neighbors, ghosts, mythical monsters, and ancient warriors and heroes.

After an evening of story telling, warm, cozy bedrooms await the weary traveler. In the dark, stillness of an Irish night a refreshing, peaceful sleep can be enjoyed, like in no other place on earth.
My dreams of Ireland revolve around thatched cottages in rustic settings, inviting me to unwind and get away from it all. A cottage get-away is something I highly recommend.
A big thanks to Mary, the owner of this lovely thatched cottage, for sharing these beautiful photos with us today.
It is located in the beautiful town of Spiddal, Co. Galway. To rent this cottage, you can contact Mary at:
091-505819 or from the US dial 011-353-91-505819
You can also contact Mary through Facebook - 'Tigh Eddie' Traditional Thatched Cottage.
Online Jigsaws Featuring Thatched Cottages
I love thatched cottages so much, they're featured in some of the online jigsaw puzzles you'll find on my website. Here are three you might enjoy...
Dolly's Cottage in County Sligo
Thanks for following my recipes and ramblings.

Slán agus beannacht,
(Goodbye and blessings)
Mairéad -Irish American Mom
Pronunciation - slawn ah-gus ban-ock-th
Mairéad - rhymes with parade
Here are some other posts you might enjoy..
Symbols of Ireland
- Ireland's Arched Bridges
- Old Irish Boreens
- Celtic Christening Gowns As Family Heirlooms
- What Is A Shillelagh?
Immigrant Tales
- Our Irish Heritage - A Kid's Guide to the Irish Diaspora and Irish National Anthem
- 19th Century Irish Immigrants Who Made Multiple Journeys To America
- Learning About Your Irish Family Ancestry
- Irish Heritage Clubs to Join in All 50 States
Hi Mairead, first thank you for the your kind words on your earlier post. It was nice to hear your prose from your upcoming book, i'm sure your characters would have felt right at home in this picture perfect thatched cottage. Once I had the opportunity to watch two master craftsmen thatch a cottage, really an amazing thing to see. Again thank you for your kindness,
Irish American Mom
Brian - thank you so much for publishing my guest post on Watching two master thatchers at work must have been an incredible experience - something I would love to see someday. This thatched cottage in Spiddal, Co. Galway looks so peaceful - an ideal getaway in a beautiful setting. We have an old cottage in Co. Cork, which was once thatched, but was updated with a slate roof sometime in the 1950's, like so many old Irish houses. I admire those who preserved the old thatch - it adds such charm to an old house.
All the best,
Cheryl Barker
Love that stone wall around the cottage and also the setting by the fire with the staircase nearby. How inviting!
Irish American Mom
Cheryl - This little cottage looks so cozy and warm. I love the half-door. I imagine myself leaning on it looking out at the beautiful scenery.
I really like this cottage also and the pathway looks like a peacful place for walking. Lisa
Irish American Mom
Lisa - I agree with you - the road looks perfect for peaceful walks, especially at sunset. have a lovely weekend.
I love this post. Staying in a thatched cottage sounds like a truly special experience. A hotel could never provide the same feeling of connection with Ireland. I love all the photos, especially the one of the half-door.
Irish American Mom
Maggie - I love the lighting in that half-door shot too. The outside looks lovely from the shade behind the door. Have a lovely weekend.
Brenda hennessy
Hi Mairead
The next time you visit North Cork you should be in for a nice surprise - the oldest house in Kildorrery Village is being restored to its original state with its thatched roof. The Community Development Office has temporally been transferred from there but will return when the work has completed. I believe it is also planned to have a cafe in the building so maybe we can meet there for a cuppa! So you needn't go to Galway for your thatched cottage dream, you can have it right here in Kildorrery.
Slan go foill
Irish American Mom
Brenda - We will definitely have to meet for a cuppa when I am home next time. I will look forward to seeing Kildorrery's oldest house restored to its original glory, thatched roof and all. I can't wait to bring my camera home and take lots of photos of all the lovely scenery and beautiful places around Kildorrery. Thanks so much for updating me on these great changes back home.
All the best,